Neighbors | Zack Shively.Santa visited Austintown Elementary School on Dec. 20. Pictured, Santa visited lunch and met with some students while they ate.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.Santa gave the students in the school a book, a jingle bell and a necklace. The PTA invites Santa to the elementary school every year.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.Santa went to each of the classrooms throughout the elementary school. All of the students took pictures with Santa, which the PTA sent home to the students' families.
Austintown Elementary School’s PTA invited Santa to visit the students on Dec. 20.
The PTA brought in three Santas to walk throughout the school and visit the kindergarten, first- and second-grade classrooms. All students in the class get a picture taken with Santa, which the PTA printed and sent to the home’s of the children.
“We wanted to give them the opportunity to see Santa,“ said PTA president Bethany Martinez.
She continued to say that not every student has the chance to see Santa during the month, so she wanted to provide the students with that chance. She also said that they do it a couple days before break to get the students excited for the holidays.
The Santas went to every room in the school and gave the students all a Scholastic book, a jingle bell and a necklace. Martinez said many of the students were excited to see Santa and happy to receive gifts.
The PTA organizes an event to bring Santa to the school every year. They had 15 PTA members at the school to help the Santas. Three of the 15 were brought cameras to take photographs of the students with Santa.