Hickson - Everything happens for a reason

By Shereese Hickson

Jason finished up first, smiling at Chloe and told her, “Hopefully I’ll see you around town sometime,” and he left. As he walked to his car, he thought to himself, “Why didn’t I ask her for her telephone number, or better yet, why didn’t I give her mine?” Oh well! I hope next time I donate she will be there.

Some days and weeks had passed with no sign of Chloe anywhere, not even at the blood bank. He began to think maybe she had moved away or something. He even asked around where he donates blood and no one had seen or heard from her. Thoughts of something bad happening to Chloe crept into his mind, but Jason shook his head immediately and tried thinking of more positive things.

One Friday night as he arrived on shift, all seemed pretty calm for the hospital’s emergency room. He clocked in and began his nightly duties as an environmental specialist speaking to everyone he met and flashing a bright, warm smile. Coming around the corner, he heard a very familiar voice. He stopped, went up to the curtain and said, “Excuse me, Chloe? Is that you?”

Chloe, surprised, said, “Yes, but who wants to know?” Jason spoke up and said, “It’s Jason from the blood center.” Chloe said, “Oh my goodness, how have you been, Jason? Fancy seeing you here!” Jason said, “Well this is where I work now. I am so grateful for this job. Things had been pretty rough for me this past year.”

He continued, “Chloe, I had been thinking about you and even asked if anyone had seen or heard from you, and no one at the blood center said they’d seen you. I really hate I forgot to ask for your number or at least give you mine.”

“Jason, I do believe everything happens for a reason, so why don’t we exchange numbers now while it’s fresh in our minds,” mentioned Chloe. Jason agreed and said, “I’d really like that!”

A few minutes had passed and Jason told Chloe he needed to return to his shift. The rest of that night went by like a breeze because thoughts of Chloe danced through his mind again.

The next morning Chloe was discharged and returned to her normal routine as much as possible. What Jason didn’t know is that Chloe cares for her ailing grandmother who has dementia as well as just trying to care for herself. It’s a lot of work and takes a toll on her body so much.

The next week Jason called and asked her for a date. She was so excited! She doesn’t get out much due to her caregiver duties, so this would be a nice treat for a change. Chloe asked her sister if she wouldn’t mind sitting with grandmother a few hours on Saturday night.

Sitting, talking and enjoying dinner, Jason and Chloe discovered that the reason they both are so passionate about the gift of life is because both needed blood transfusions as children. They said they are so thankful that someone else was selfless enough to donate on their behalf anonymously and that when they became of age they too would make it their life mission to donate as well as get others to donate.

Donating blood is truly the gift that keeps on giving. You never know whose life you could be saving, and it could even be your own. The gift of life has brought these two complete strangers together for a reason, and they look forward to seeing what that reason is. If nothing else, they are now becoming great friends. Save a life, DONATE! That is the ultimate GIFT OF LOVE!