Pulpit supply ministers needed
Pulpit supply ministers needed
The pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, 1463 Shields Road, retired in December, and the church is looking for Pulpit supply ministers. If you or someone you know might be interested and for information, contact Rudy Braydich at rbraydichdds@gmail.com.
Empathic empowerment training
The Unity Centre for Spiritual Living, 1226 Naylor Lloyd Road, will sponsor workshops on empathic empowerment training. The classes are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 3. Workshops are limited to a maximum of 10 people to assure that each attendee is given all the attention and personal support they need. The cost of the class is $125, and reservations are necessary. For additional information, contact the centre at 330-539-0122.
Catholic’s Survival Guide offered
The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, in cooperation with St. Paul Parish, is offering The Catholic’s Survival Guide from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 21, 28 and March 7, 14 and 21 at St. Paul Parish, 241 S. Main St., in the North Room B (lower level of the church). There is no cost. For information or to register call 330-744-8451.
‘Moses and the Burning Within’
The musical “Moses and the Burning Within” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Feb. 17 and at 4 p.m. Feb. 18 at Church of Notre Dame, 2325 Highland Road. The show tells the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Eqypt. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. The shows are dedicated to the memory of Monsignor Edward Zeitler, former Notre Dame pastor, who died in 2017. For ticket and program ad information, call Gretchen Wagner at 724-981-5566.
White Mass at St. Columba
The Most Rev. George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop of Youngstown, will be the principle celebrant for the 22nd annual White Mass at 4 p.m. Feb. 17 at St. Columba Cathedral, 154 W. Wood St. Rev. John Trimbur, Mercy Health chaplain, will serve as homilist. The White Mass is for all health professionals, including mental-health workers, to recognize and celebrate the ministry of all those in the healing professions. A reception will follow in St. Columba Hall next to the cathedral provided by Cafe Augustine. For information, contact the Diocese of Youngstown’s Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life at 330-744-8451.
Lenten Breakfast Speaker Series
St. Charles Borromeo Parish, 7345 Westview Drive, will host the Lenten Breakfast Speaker Series from 7:40 to 8:20 a.m. Wednesdays from Feb. 21 until March 14 in the St. Matthew Room. Katie Italiano-Schorsten will speak Feb. 21; Dr. Shannon McNally-Velasquez will speak Feb. 28; Denise Stoneman will speak March 7; and the Rev. Edward Brienz will speak March 14. A continental breakfast will be provided.
Lenten services at Lutheran churches
There will be midweek Lenten services offered at a few Lutheran churches for the Wednesdays of Lent. There will be a soup supper offered at 6 p.m. with the service following at 7 p.m. This year’s theme is the Beatitudes. Feb. 21 will be at Zion Lutheran, 3300 Canfield Road with Rev. Richard Kidd. Feb. 28 will be at Grace Lutheran, 162 S. Raccoon Road, Austintown, with Rev. Duane Jesse. Rev. Pam Kelly will host the March 7 service at Martin Luther Lutheran, 420 Clearmont. March 14 will take place at Christ Lutheran, 250 Sexton St., Struthers, with Rev. Rebecca Zielke. Bethel Boardman, 425 Crestview Drive will host March 21 with Rev. Julianne Smith.
Calvary youth revival
Calvary Baptist Church, 126 E. Wood St., will present, Come Back To Your First Love, a two-day youth revival. India Raven McDowell will host. From 7 to 10 p.m. Feb. 23 the guest speaker will be Mary Lugo. William Dallas will be the guest speaker from 7 to 10 p.m. Feb. 24. Rev. Bernice Gordon is the host pastor.
Retreat in Daily Life
The Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Road, is offering Retreat in Daily Life based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. All that’s required are 30 minutes a day of personal prayer and a 30-45 minute meeting once each week for eight weeks with Spiritual Director Eileen Novotny. Participants pick a time that fits their schedule. To sign up, contact Novotny at 330-533-3831 or ewalshnovotny@zoominternet.net. Meetings should begin before March 1 and will be at the Motherhouse. The cost for all meetings and materials is $80.
New Catholic Church members
Within the six-county Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, 242 men, women and children from 52 parishes are preparing to become members of the Catholic Church at Easter. Ninety-seven people will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil on March 31; and 145 people who have already been baptized in other Christian traditions will make a profession of the Catholic faith and receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. For information, contact Rev. Michael D. Balash, office of worship, at 330-744-8451, ext. 282.
Special presentation
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 119 Stadium Drive, will host a special presentation presented by the Rev. Dr. Henry Pearce titled “Believing in God without Denying Science: Accepting Biblical Truth and the Observations of Science” at 6 p.m. March 25 and at 1 p.m. March 28 to supplement the Lenten Movie Discussion Series on “The Mystery of Everything.” Both presentations will take place in the parlor but may be moved to the chapel should additional space be needed. The presentation is open to everyone whether you attended the movie discussion sessions.
Guest speaker at Unity Centre
The Unity Centre for Spiritual Living, 1226 Naylor Lloyd Road, will host guest speaker Matthew Starcher from Unity of Southeastern Ohio at 11 a.m. April 8. A workshop will follow. For information call 330-539-0122.
Fun Raiser Banquet
Mount Carmel Banquet Hall, Via Mount Carmel, will host the annual Fun Raiser Banquet 2018 on April 17. Bishop George Murry of the Diocese of Youngstown will be the special guest. For information, contact Director Rose Carter at 330-941-0475.
‘Amazing Wisdom Within Us’
Unity Churches of Northern Ohio presents “The Amazing Wisdom Within Us” Third Annual Retreat April 20 to 21. Experience the HeartMath Solution with Rev. David McArthur. For information call the office at 330-539-0122.
Diocesan Youth Choir Festival
The Office of Worship of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, in conjunction with the Music Committee of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, will sponsor the annual 2018 Diocesan Youth Choir Festival at 12:30 p.m. April 21 at St. Columba Cathedral, 159 W. Rayen Ave. The festival will culminate with the youth choir singing at the 4 p.m., Vigil Mass. Lunch and music will be provided for all students registered for the festival. There is no charge to any student or choir for participating in the event, although donations toward music and lunch expenses will be gratefully accepted.
Sunday evening services resume
Abundant Life Fellowship, 46469 state Route 46, will resume its Sunday evening services at 7 p.m. Sunday with a study titled “Let Us Pray.” Coinciding with the church’s 2018 word “If My People,” which encourages the congregation to make a deeper commitment to pray, the study will include “A Praying Life,” a book by Paul E. Miller. The study is free and open to everybody. The only cost is for the book, which will be available soon in the church’s bookstore. Anyone who would like to reserve a copy can call the church office between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Participants who acquire the book on their own are encouraged to get the updated 2017 version. Leading the study will be Jeff Schoch, senior pastor. The conclusion date for the study is open-ended for now. A schedule of known meeting dates will be handed out the first night. The services will include worship and ministry time. No child care is available during this service.
Reconciliation evening
The Diocese of Youngstown will celebrate a special evening of reconciliation entitled “The Light is ON for You”– An Evening of Reconciliation from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Feb. 28 in all parishes. This evening provides an opportunity for all parishioners to embrace and live God’s mercy and love more completely. All parishioners are encouraged to participate in this special event at their parish or at a neighboring parish. For information, contact the Office of Worship at 330-744-8451.
Improve fitness at Ursuline center
The Ursuline Health and Wellness Center, 4280 Shields Road, can help improve your physical, mental or spirital fitness if your New Year’s resolution is to do so. The Motherhouse pool offers classes for all ages. They also have SilverSneakers by Tivity Health classes for mature adults comprising strengthening, cardio, water and yoga. The Center also features spirituality series, individual counseling and spiritual direction. For information visit www.theursulinecenter.org or call 330-799-4941.