Infante hearing reset

Infante hearing reset


A pretrial hearing set for today in Trumbull County Common Pleas Court in the public-corruption case against former Niles Mayor Ralph Infante is now reset to a telephone conference Friday.

Judge Patricia Cosgrove, who is hearing the case on assignment from the Ohio Supreme Court, notified court officials Monday of the change. She did not say what time the hearing will be.

Judge Cosgrove has not made telephone conferences open to the press or the public in the past.

Infante, 62, faces 41 criminal charges accusing him of taking bribes, receiving inappropriate gifts, tampering with records, illegal gambling and engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity during his 24 years as Niles mayor.

This week’s hearing is listed as a “final pretrial” hearing, with Infante’s trial scheduled for 11 a.m. Feb. 26.