Ph.D. from PSU
Lauren R. Camacci received her Ph.D. in communication arts and sciences, as well as a doctoral minor in women’s gender and sexuality studies from Pennsylvania State University.
Camacci is a 2007 graduate of Poland Seminary High School. She graduated summa cum laude from the College of Wooster in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in communication studies. She earned her master’s degree from Penn State and went on to complete her doctoral degree there.
While studying at PSU, Camacci worked as an instructor in communication arts and sciences and was a dissertation fellow in the Center for Democratic Deliberation at the McCourtney Institute for Democracy.
Her dissertation examined American masculinity during the presidency of Richard M. Nixon.
Camacci is employed as a postdoctoral teaching fellow in communication arts and sciences at PSU, where she teaches various courses in rhetoric and communication. Camacci lives in State College, Pa. She is the daughter of Dave and Annette Camacci of Poland.
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