Judge candidates at the Trumbull County Family Court

Staff report


There are now at least three candidates for the two judgeships at the Trumbull County Family Court, with two of them running for a seat being vacated by Judge Pamela Rintala, who is retiring.

Judge Sandra Stabile Harwood, a Democrat from Niles, is running for re-election this year after being elected the first time in 2012.

Family Court Magistrate Jack Pico has filed petitions seeking to fill Judge Rintala’s seat. Pico, a Democrat from Niles, has been magistrate for 12 years.

Atty. Samuel Bluedorn, a Democrat from Warren, has also filed to run for the seat held by Judge Rintala.

Meanwhile, Democrat Lisha Pompili Baumiller of Hubbard has filed petitions seeking to run for the county commissioner seat held by Democrat Frank Fuda.

The deadline to file petitions is Tuesday