Lowellville Senior Citizens will meet at noon Friday at Lowellville City Hall Conference Room. Lunch will be provided. For reservations, call Janet Davanzo at 330-793-3176. Brenda Perry, president, will preside. New members are welcome, and Lowellville residency is not a requirement. Dues of $5 are being accepted. To report illness or death among members, call Jean Rotz, sunshine chairwoman, at 330-536-8228. Birthdays and anniversaries for December and January will be acknowledged. Bingo and 50-50 raffle will follow the meeting. If Lowellville schools are canceled due to weather, there will be no meeting.

Public Employee Retirees Inc. Trumbull County Chapter 56 will meet at 11:15 a.m. Jan. 9 at Shepherd of the Valley, 4100 North River Road NE, Warren. Note that this is a new location. This month’s speaker is to be determined. Reservations are required by next Sunday by calling Barb at 330-372-2603 or Virginia at 330-898-3625.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.