20 Federal Place

Opening ceremony: 4:30-4:45

Hugs the Clown: 5-8

Cirque Du Papier: 5-9

Face painting: 5-10

The magic of Eric Thompson: 5:30-6:30

Eleanor and Cindy, psychic readings: 6-10

Kingdom Keepers of Time Drumline: 6:30-7:15

The Sidekicks: 7:30-8:30

Harambee: 8:45-10

Covelli Centre

Face painting: 5-9

Ice skating: 5-11

Jot the Clown: 5:30-8:30

Carol Weakland, theatrical storytelling: 7:30-8:30

The magic of Eric Thompson: 8:30-9:30

First Presbyterian Sanctuary

One Cello: 6:45-8:45

First Presbyterian Fellowship Hall

The McCabes: 6-7:15

Jim Frank Combo: 7:30-8:45

Hair Supply: 9-10:30

Steel Museum

Historic storytelling: 4:30-5:30

County Mayo: 5:30-7

Gallery open: 5:30-10:30

Historic storytelling: 8-9

Conjunto Requeno: 8-9:30


Open swim: 4-8:30

Trinity Church

The Harry Potter Experience: 5-9

Prayer for Peace Labyrinth Walk: 5-9

Ward Beecher Planetarium

Planetarium show every half-hour: 6-9

One Hot Cookie

Cookie decorating: 5-9

St. Columba Parish Hall

The Sidekicks: 5:30-6:30

Davis & McKay Beatles tribute: 6:45-8

Roy Orbison tribute: 8:15-9:30

Elvis tribute: 9-11

Outdoor Activities

Ball drop and fireworks show: 8:45-9:15 and 11:45-12:15

Arms Family Museum

Memories of Christmas Past and other exhibits: noon-7


Students Motivated by the Arts: 5-9

Soap Gallery

Vanhii: 6-6:45

Manuel: 7-7:45

Michael Jackson dance tribute: 8-8:45

Strums and Drums: 9-9:45

Spirit of the Bear: 10-11:30