Winter Scavenger Hunt
Winter Scavenger Hunt
When: Today and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What: Get out of the house during break to enjoy a winter scavenger hunt with the family. Stop by Ford Nature Center to pick up your list, then go outside to track down nature’s hidden treasures. Bring your camera or phone to document your findings. Inside hunt also available.
Where: Ford Nature Center, 840 Old Furnace Road, Youngstown.
Info: Call 330-740-7107.
Naturalist Chat
When: Today, noon to 2:30 p.m.
What: Stop by the nature center to chat with a naturalist and learn about seasonal happenings here at Mill Creek Park.
Where: Ford Nature Center.
Cost: Free
Info: Call 330-740-7107.
Scavenger Hunt Hike
When: Today, 1 to 3 p.m.
What: Join naturalist Marilyn Williams for a winter scavenger hunt. We’ll hike together looking for nature’s hidden treasures.
Where: Ford Nature Center.
Cost: Free
Details: Moderate difficulty, 2 miles.
Info: Call 330-740-7107.
Picture Perfect
When: Jan. 20, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
What: The nature center’s photo contest organizer and a photography judge will give you the basic information, tips and tricks to entering photos in local photography shows, including the center’s upcoming 17th annual Nature Photography Contest and Exhibit.
Where: Huston-Brumbaugh Nature Center, 16146 Daniel St. NE, Minerva.
Details: Register by Jan. 18.
Info: Visit or call 330-823-7487.
Winter Haiku Writing
When: Jan. 27, 2 to 4 p.m.
What: The forests and fields of the nature center have a different feel during the winter, and we will try to capture those emotions as we write and share our original haiku poems.
Where: Huston-Brumbaugh Nature Center.
Details: Dress for spending some time outside. Open to all ages. Register by Jan. 25.
Info: Visit or call 330-823-7487.
Starting Seeds
When: Jan. 28, 9:30 a.m. to noon
What: A good start to life is key to the success of any plant, so join us to learn how to start those seeds. Speaker is Peg Zeleznik, master gardener volunteer.
Where: OSU Extension Office, 490 S. Broad St. Canfield.
Cost: $15 per person includes refreshments, handouts and giveaways.
Details: Register ASAP. Seating is limited
Info: Call 330-533-5538.
Men’s Garden Club
When: Feb. 16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
What: The club’s winter seminar will feature a mix of gardening topics. Scott Zanon, Irvin Etienne and Louis Raymond will be the keynote speakers.
Where: Fellows Riverside Gardens, 123 McKinley Ave, Youngstown.
Info: Email, visit or call 330-402-2700.