Poland township trustees prepare for repaving project
With the passage of a $4.5 million bond issue in November, trustees are gearing up to resurface the townships’ worst roads before the end of 2019.
At a work session Friday, trustees discussed the upcoming project with representatives from the Mahoning County Engineer’s office.
Rather than providing annual revenue as a levy does, the bond issue allows the township to immediately receive the full $4.5 million. It will cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $70 per year for seven years.
The township is expected to receive the funding in February and intends to start the repaving process when the weather warms up.
The next step is compiling a list of the township’s roads in order of worst to best.
Trustees will create the list using a pavement- condition rating conducted by Tetra Tech on the township’s 55 miles of road in 2017.
“This study takes the politics out,” said Trustee Eric Ungaro. The study can be found on the township’s website.
The extent of resurfacing required will determine how far the $4.5 million will go.
“There’s a big possibility that there’s going to be some roads that aren’t going to get done. That’s the reality,” said county engineer Pat Ginnetti.
Additionally, how long the repaving lasts will depend on road usage. Subdivision roads, for example, have low speed limits and traffic levels and can last between 20 and 25 years.
But, Ginnetti said, “We live in Ohio. Asphalt is going to crack.”
Ginnetti agreed to send a representative from the engineer’s office to trustee meetings to field questions about the paving project.