Kindness Club supports Toys for Tots

« Poland Neighbors


Neighbors | Submitted.Members of the Kindness Club at Poland Seminary High School sold popcorn to raise money to buy gifts for Toys for Tots.


Neighbors | Submitted.Kindness Club members used funds from their usual popcorn sales to raise money to buy gifts for Toys for Tots every Friday at Poland Seminary High School.


Neighbors | Submitted.Kindness Club members decorated bags to sell pop corn in to raise money for Toys for Tots.


The Kindness Club at Poland Seminary High School kicked off popcorn sales on Nov. 9 to support their annual Toys for Tots donation event.

“We are taking the popcorn sales from four consecutive Friday sales and using that money to go to Big Lots to buy toys for children that I will take to a Toys for Tots donation box,” said Lindsay Ignazio, Kindness Club advisor.

She said this is the second year the club has planned this event, and that its a great way to encourage giving back.

“This not only works on vocational skills of looking at prices and determining if they have enough with their limit; but also teaching them the importance of giving back to their community,” Ignazio said.

Students take the money from their weekly popcorn sales and save it for a trip to the store.

Then, along with advisor assistance, students go through the store and choose new toys they feel children would like.

Each student is given a specific amount of money they can spend, which they must keep track of.

Last year, Ignazio said that the group was able to raise $300 with which to purchase toys.

The gifts were then dropped off at the donation box at Stone Fruit Coffee on Market Street.

“It’s a great program, and it helps the students and gives back to the community,” Ignazio said.