Trumbull County to scrap sewer deal with Warren


The Trumbull County commissioners have given notice to the city of Warren that it plans to end a sewer agreement with the city in 180 days that could affect the price of sewer services for residents of the northeast part of the city.

The notice is apparently in response to a lawsuit the city filed against the county six weeks ago asking a judge to order the county to pay over $3 million in wastewater bills the county owes the city for sewer service in Champion and Lordstown.

Warren Law Director Greg Hicks said the county's notice is a "threat to hold hostage Warren citizens to try to get a contract in a whole different part of the county," adding that the county commissioners "should remember that the citizens of Warren are also citizens of the county."

The dispute first became public in May, when the county sanitary engineer's office first asked the commissioners to approve the notice. The commissioners refused to approve it then.

Commissioner Mauro Cantalamessa abstained from voting because his brother, Enzo Cantalamessa, is Warren's safety service director. Commissioners Frank Fuda and Dan Polivka voted for the notice.