‘Bed Bug Field Guide’ app for travelers
By Toni Beard
OSU Extension master gardener volunteer
You’ve packed your holiday travel bag and checked your list twice: re-gifted fruit cake, entry for the ugly-sweater contest, aspirin, miner’s headlamp. Hold on, headlamp?
Well, maybe a small flashlight or lighted cellphone to call less attention to yourself at hotel check-in. You’ll want lighting to investigate bedding in your defense against Climex Lecrularius, otherwise known as a bed bug.
To up your savvy travel skills, also consider downloading and taking along the free “Bed Bug Field Guide” app created by Susan Jones Ph.D., Ohio State University professor of entomology who has studied bed bugs for more than a decade. She is constantly studying how these insects live, breed and survive with humans.
Jones said these tiny, indoor, darkness-loving hitchhikers are found everywhere – homes, workplaces, schools, theaters, even grooves in shoe soles. Hardy travelers, they reproduce quickly and can survive for months without a human host.
Early detection and treatment are key. The app provides detailed photos to differentiate and identify these wingless insects who, unfed, are about the size of an apple seed. They leave a dark residue of fecal droppings in their hiding places which is a tell-tale sign to look for on mattress edges. Waking up with small bites on exposed skin is a definite tip off you’re not alone.
In addition, the app gives clear, abundant information on inspection, prevention and monitoring. You’ll also find strategies for integrated pest management to use in controlling these insects.
“Tips for Travelers” provides important information to consider during this holiday season and other travel times.
Inspect your room at arrival. Check the mattress seams for discoloration. Look under bed skirts and around base boards near the bed. Include a check of upholstered furniture. Keep items in your bags. Leave luggage on a rack or in the bathtub during your inspection. Bed bugs have difficulty traveling up smooth surfaces.
Avoid placing luggage on the bed or floor to deter stowaways as an extra precaution.
Place laundry in a sealed plastic bag. Bed bugs seem to be attracted to soiled clothing.
When arriving home, inspect your luggage and take clothing directly to the washer or dryer.
Place luggage in a large garbage bag stored away from the bedroom.
For information, go to http://u.osu.edu/bedbugs and Bed Bug Field Guide in the App Store and Google Play Store.