Neighbors | Submitted.Poland preschool teachers and students pose in front of the train tent during their Polar Express day Dec. 7 where students dressed in pajamas and created crafts and played games in the holiday theme.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Preschool teacher Terry Wittenaur and her class celebrated the holiday season with a Polar Express day where students read holiday books and created bells to prove they believe in Santa Claus.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Preschool teacher Samantha Cox dressed as Cindy Lou Who while her class dressed in their pajamas to celebrate Polar Express day Dec. 7 at Poland Union Elementary School.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Joy Bucci and her class shared the holiday spirit during their Polar Express Day where students dressed in Pajamas and created holiday crafts, starting off the day with milk and cookies.

Neighbors | Submitted.Preschool teachers Joy Bucci and Terry Wittenaur posed with their classes in front of the pop up train for Polar Express Day Dec. 7 at Poland Union Elementary School.
Poland Union Preschool celebrated the holiday season with a Polar Express day Dec. 7.
Preschool teacher Joy Bucci said the hope was to get students in the holiday spirit.
“We just want to have a fun day for the kids,” Bucci said, “They really seem to enjoy it.”
Students in each class were allowed to wear their pajamas throughout the day.
The students started the day with cookies and hot chocolate provided by Poland Union.
Samantha Cox, another preschool teacher, said that she combined fun holiday activities with the classes regular lessons.
During centers, along with learning the letter U and having dramatic play, students created gingerbread play dough and played holiday themed games.
“Students got to play bell toss, where they tried to make them into the bucket,” Cox said, “They also played candy cane fishing, they seemed to have a lot of fun.”
In Terry Wittenaur’s preschool class students read holiday books and did a variety of crafts.
Students were excited about their Elf on the Shelf Jingle Bell who has hidden Dec. 7 on the bookshelf in the room.
Wittenaur said students created wreathes and ginger bread to celebrate the holiday season.
“They really enjoy being in their pajamas all day,” Cox said.
Each class planned to watch the movie Polar Express during the day as well.
Bucci said that preschool classes also prepared for their holiday show coming up before the end of December.
“The rest of the school will celebrate later this month. This is just a way to make preschool fun for them and get in the holiday spirit,” Bucci said.