Holy Family students give back in November

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Neighbors | Submitted.Sixth-grade members of the ARK group (Acts of Random Kindness), from left, Mia Schrickel, Gianna Bindas, TiGi Rogers, Maya Jacobs, Samantha Rotunno, Lucy Vigliotti, Abby Lyons, Addyson Miller and Claudia MacDonald recently presented a check to Beatitude House for $300.


Neighbors | Submitted.Members of the Young Men's Service Group recently presented a check to Dorothy Day House for $300, along with toiletry items. Pictured with the check and items donated are, from left (front) Andrew Bushey, Andrew Shogren, Brady Desmond, Alex Miller, Aidan Hryb, Marco Beato, James Jablonski; (middle) Logan Tsarnas, Gabriel Bettross, Nick Zeno, Chose Forsyth, J.D. Memo, Dominic Graziano, Aidan Stamp; (back) Aidan Markey, William Desmond, Giovanni Beato, Jason Vuksanovich, Abe Rogers, Andrew Kali and Logan Hackstedde.


Neighbors | Submitted.Holy Family students recently presented a check to The Joanie Abdu Care Center for breast cancer research. Students pictured are, from left, (front) Giorgio Restaino, Madden Rivera, Beni Perrotta, Nina Hughes, Isabelle Damelio, Chloe Kuzma; (back) Camden Pitzer, Justin Gentile, Addison Shotts, Monica Skurich, Greggory Hann and Maria Balogh.


Neighbors | Submitted.Holy Family student council representatives with advisors Renee Abbattista and Lissa Oslin posed with canned food items for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. Pictured are, from left, (front) Joey Loree, Olivia Becker, Abigail Markey, Sophia Rotunno, J.D. Memo, Logan Hackstedde; (back) Marco Beato, Renee Abbattista, Brady Desmond, Braden Joss, Samantha Rotunno, Mia Schrickel, Cameron Burk, Constantine Stamp, Lissa Oslin and Cameron Hackstedde.

Holy Family students, staff and families celebrated the Thanksgiving season by participating in acts of kindness and donations to help those in the community.

From collecting canned goods, dressing down in “pink” for breast cancer awareness, bringing toiletries to donate and donating their own money, Holy Family students in grades kindergarten through eighth-grade contributed with generous hearts.

All the service organizations at the school came together for joint causes this fall. Student council, National Junior Beta Club, young men’s service group and ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) all met after school one day to find ways to help serve their community.

They targeted four specific organizations for the months of October and November: St. Vincent DePaul, Joanie Abdu Center, Dorothy Day House and Beatitude House. Several boxes of canned foods and non-perishable food items were donated to St. Vincent DePaul to help benefit local families in need. Deacon Ray Hatala received the canned goods on behalf of St. Vincent DePaul. In addition, Holy Family students had a dress down day where they were able to dress out of school uniform and wear pink to help raise awareness for breast cancer research. Holy Family donated a total of $400 to the Joanie Abdu Center.

In addition to toiletry items, a check for $300 was donated to the Dorothy Day House of Youngstown. Brendan Markey, a second-grade student was excited to help Sr. Ann at the Dorothy Day House by donating his own money. Markey is a regular summer garden volunteer at the Dorothy Day House and has gotten to know Sr. Ann and what they do there.

“I gave a dollar I got from the tooth fairy to help the people at Dorothy Day House, along with some soap for the bathrooms there. I even put a note on the soap for Sr. Ann to let her know I am thinking about her,” he said.