Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Boardman High School hosted over a dozen veterans Nov. 12 for the school's annual Veterans Lunch.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students and staff members at Boardman High School greeted veterans as they visited the school.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Active duty military and veterans visited Boardman High School on Nov. 12 for a free lunch with students and staff at the school.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Veterans enjoyed a free lunch at Boardman High School Nov. 12 to celebrate Veterans Day.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Veterans and active duty military members sat at the head of the Boardman lunch room at a decorated table Nov. 12 for the schools annual veterans day luncheon.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Local veterans joined the students and staff at Boardman High School Nov. 12 for the schools annual Veterans Lunch.
Boardman High School celebrated veterans on Nov. 12 with a free lunch.
Veterans gathered at the high school cafeteria at a decorated table, and were greeted by staff and students alike.
According to vice principal Anne Bott, the school also premiered their new Veterans Video Library on Nov. 12.
“The idea came from the Holocaust museum, and the idea that even after people leave their stories will still live on,” Bott said.
She said that this inspired her to do something similar with local veterans.
The school’s television network organized the interviews and recorded them to be put online.
Bott said that they compiled a list of six questions to ask veterans, and then opened it up for them to share any story they want.
“We ask them for stories about how things have changed, stories about the armed services and civilian life afterward,” Bott said.
The first interviewee was School Resource Officer Paul Poulos. Poulos discussed his desire to join the military at a young age.
“I can’t remember a time in my life where I wanted to do anything else,” he said.
Bott said that the television network will be interviewing veterans throughout the year to add to the library.
Bott said that anyone who is interested in signing up for the video library should contact her through the school.
“Military service is not as prevalent in this area any more, and we want to expose students to these stories,” Bott said.