METRO DIGEST || Schiavoni’s revenge porn bill passes state Senate
Schiavoni’s porn bill passes state Senate
A “revenge porn” bill, sponsored by state Sen. Joe Schiavoni, passed the Ohio Senate on Wednesday and goes to the state House for consideration.
The bill would make it illegal to knowingly distribute a private, sexually explicit image of a person without that person’s consent. A first-time offender would be charged with a third-degree misdemeanor, while a second-time offense would be a second-degree misdemeanor and a third or subsequent offense would warrant a first-degree misdemeanor.
Strudel orders taken
Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, 53 Laird Ave., is taking orders for apple and cherry strudel. The cost is $10 each. Call 330-550-6628 to order. Pick up will take place from 3:30 to 7 p.m. Friday.
Breakfast with Santa
The camp masters of local Boy Scout Camp Stambaugh of the Great Trail Council Boy Scouts of America will host a pancake Breakfast with Santa from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturday at Camp Stambaugh dining hall, 3712 Leffingwell Road. The event will provide an opportunity for children in the community to have breakfast with Santa in a camp setting.
Each participant will receive a gift. Camp Stambaugh camp masters are a group of Scouting volunteers trained to assist with camp operations throughout the year. For information, call 330-883-8921 or 330-533-4538.
Heritage Manor receives $31,000 grant
Heritage Manor Rehabilitation and Retirement Community received a $31,000 grant from the Association of Jewish Aging Services for a Music and Memory program for residents with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Nursing home staff and other elder care professionals, along with family caregivers, will be trained on how to create personalized playlists using iPods and MP3 players. These playlists, composed of musical favorites, tap deep memories not lost to dementia. Heritage Manor is an agency of the Youngstown Area Jewish Foundation.
Fire’s cause unknown
The cause of a fire, reported shortly after 11 a.m. Wednesday in a home in the 500 block of Forest Hill Drive that killed two dogs, is unknown.
The fire had spread throughout the home by the time firefighters arrived. No one was home at the time, reported 21 WFMJ-TV, The Vindicator’s broadcast partner.
One dog was brought outside but an attempt to resuscitate it was unsuccessful; the other dog was found dead in a bedroom.