The grants total $79,838

Staff report


The Raymond John Wean Foundation Board of Directors awarded grants at its final quarterly meeting of the year totaling $79,838 to two Mahoning Valley organizations that strengthen leadership development and increase civic engagement.

The grant recipients are:

Youngstown State University, Center for Nonprofit Leadership: In support of its Nonprofit Leadership Summer Honors Internship Program, which connects regional nonprofit and public sector organizations with 10 YSU students to increase their nonprofit skills and marketability. This year, perspectives from the YSU’s multi-cultural student affairs department and various other organizations, which have demonstrated an interest in and commitment to diversity, will be integrated. Contact Professor Laura Dewberry, Center Director, at for information.

City Club of the Mahoning Valley: In support of its second year of programming dedicated to citizen-centric forums designed to “inform, connect and motivate citizens to take action on issues relevant to our region and beyond.” The annual calendar of events utilizes venues, panelists and moderators that resonate with and represent the diversity of Warren and Youngstown residents. Much of the project director’s work in 2019 will be working with a local advisory committee and City Club of Cleveland to build a stronger, program for the Mahoning Valley. For information, contact Lynn Bilal, CCMV project director, at 330-507-3769.

Along with grantmaking, strategic planning has been a primary focus of the Foundation. Informed by 18 months of reflection and learning, including input from nearly 200 residents, grantees and community stakeholders, the board approved its “Strategic Direction: 2019–2023,” a plan designed to provide a framework for the Wean Foundation’s work over the next five years.