Another Claudia Hoerig filing accuses justice system of unfairness
Staff report
Claudia Hoerig, charged in the 2007 murder of her husband, Karl, in their Newton Falls home, accuses Trumbull County Prosecutor Dennis Watkins, the CBS news program “48 Hours,” U.S. Rep Tim Ryan, one of her attorneys and a plethora of other people of trying to keep her from getting a fair trial next month.
Hoerig, 54, has again filed a handwritten brief, this time sending it to the county courthouse so it can be included in the filings in her murder case.
One reason for Hoerig’s brief is to complain that the judge in her case, Andrew Logan, is refusing to “address the violation of my Constitutional rights, my illegal arrest in Brazil for 22 months and my illegal extradition, which involves bribing and coercion of Brazilian authorities to allow my kidnapping,”
Hoerig was extradited back to the United States in January after spending a decade in her native Brazil after her husband’s murder.
She also says Judge Logan is violating an order of a federal judge who rejected her request for charges to be dismissed. Judge John R. Adams said Hoerig had not yet appealed a decision from Judge Logan in the state courts denying her release, so the federal courts cannot yet intervene.
Hoerig said Judge Logan is interfering with her right to appeal his decision, though she doesn’t say in what manner he has done this.
Judge Logan instituted a gag order in the case so none of the parties are allowed to discuss her complaints except in filings.