1418 Auxiliary Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Bedford Trails.

AARP 4611 Youngstown East will host its annual Christmas luncheon and $5 gift exchange at noon Wednesday at Holiday Inn, 7410 South Ave., Boardman. Cost is $20, and members and guests are to pay at the door. Members are asked to take nonperishable items for the cheer/food basket. There also will be a 50-50 raffle. Report illnesses to Evelyn at 330-530-2734. Report deaths among members to Darlene at 330-783-0542.

Holy Family Seniors Group will meet for its Christmas luncheon at noon Dec. 17 at Holy Family Parish Hall, 2729 Center Road, Poland. Cost is $4 per member or $15 per nonmember. Cash payments will be accepted at the door. Reservations are needed by Friday and must be made by calling Ruth Burns at 330-757-1334 or Laurie Fox at 330-536-8860. Members who wish to participate in a gift exchange should take a $5 wrapped gift. Members will play cards and bingo after lunch.

Public Employee Retirees Inc. Trumbull County Chapter 56 will meet at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday at DiLucia’s Restaurant, 2610 Elm Road NE, Warren. There is no speaker this month. Reservations are required by today by calling Barb at 330-372-2603 or Virginia at 330-898-3625.

Sears Friendship Club will meet at noon Monday at Gia’s Italian Restaurant, 1315 Boardman-Canfield Road, Boardman.

UFCW Local 880 Retirees will have its annual Christmas party at 1 p.m. Dec. 11 at Cafe 22 in Warren. The event will feature food and prizes. For information or to make reservations, call Karen at 330-502-2103.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.