Movie has cattle call for real cows, dairy need not apply

Movie has cattle call for real cows, dairy need not apply


A film promotion organization in Cincinnati is holding a cattle call for actual cattle.

The nonprofit Film Cincinnati put out a vague call for a major motion picture Friday, saying it needed cows for a movie.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports the request is specific about what types of cows are needed. Only nonmilking brown and white cows need apply.

Film Cincinnati says the cows should also be human friendly, halter trained and from the same herd.

But it’s unclear what movie is being filmed with the cows.

Ohio murder convict gone 45 years now on ‘Most Wanted’ list


A 75-year-old murder convict who escaped custody 45 years ago has been put on the U.S. Marshals Service “15 Most Wanted” list.

The service says that Lester Eubanks was placed on the list Friday. He was convicted of the 1965 shooting and bludgeoning of 14-year-old Mary Ellen Denner. A death sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment, and Eubanks ran away during a 1973 shopping trip granted for good behavior.

The service says marshals are undeterred by the passage of time and determined to get justice for the Mansfield girl.

Marshals believe Eubanks is living under an alias. Investigative leads have placed him in Michigan and California.

The service urges anyone with information to call 1-800-336-0102. Information leading directly to his arrest can earn a reward of up to $25,000.

Associated Press