Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Ford Nature Cetner had 20 hidden turkeys that on Nov. 24 Juliette Steinbeck and Tiffany Tudor searched for.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Juliette Steinbeck and Tiffany Tudor participated in the Turkey Scavenger Hunt at Ford Nature Center Nov. 24.

.Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Juliette Steinbeck and Tiffany Tudor were able to find all 20 hidden pictures of turkeys around the Ford Nature Center for the Mill Creek Parks Turkey Scavenger Hunt Nov. 24.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Pictures of turkeys with fun facts were hidden around the Ford Nature Center Nov. 24 for participants to go on a self guided scavenger hunt to find.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Juliette Steinbeck and Tiffany Tudor looked through Ford Nature Center for 20 hidden turkeys with fun facts about the birds Nov. 24.
The Mill Creek MetroParks celebrate Thanksgiving with a Turkey Scavenger Hunt Nov. 24 and 25.
Twenty turkeys with fun facts were hidden around the Ford Nature Center for children and their families to come find and explore.
Tiffany Tudor and Juliette Steinbeck were present at the event.
Tudor said she was interested in the event because she learned that the park had turkeys.
“I always just thought of Thanksgiving as eating turkeys, but learning about wild turkeys has been really cool,” Tudor said.
Naturalist Marilyn Williams organized the event, though it was a self guided walk through the building.
Facts listed with the turkeys included that turkeys can fly up to 55 miles per hour and that the gobble can be heard over a mile away.
For more information on upcoming Mill Creek MetroParks events, go to millcreekmetroparks.org.