Boardman High School health classes learn emergency skills

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Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Health teacher Karen Mincher looked on as Mercy Health representative Haley Bajdas taught students how to properly pack a wound Nov. 14.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Students practiced packing wounds Nov. 14 with the help of Mercy Health representative Amanda Lencyk at Boardman High School.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Amanda Lencyk, a registered nurse with Mercy Health, hosted the Stop the Bleed program for students at Boardman High School Nov. 14.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Haley Bajdas, a Mercy Health representative, taught students how to properly pack wounds to stop serious bleeding Nov. 14 at Boardman High School's Stop the Bleed program.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Student Nicholas Niarhr practiced placing a tourniquet on classmate Connor Dettmer Nov. 14 for the Stop the Bleed program at Boardman High School.


Boardman High School students participated in Mercy Health’s Stop the Bleed program on Nov. 14.

Amanda Lencyk, a registered nurse with Mercy Health, ran the program, providing a presentation to students before giving hands-on training.

“This program is really powerful because it gives anyone the ability to make a difference and know what to do in an emergency situation,” Lencyk said.

During the presentation, Lencyk talked about the rise in numbers of mass casualty events that show a need for this type of training. She explained that the program came out of the Sandy Hook mass shooting after doctors realized that many of those wounded could have survived if someone had stepped in.

“This program is designed to empower people to step up in any situation to save lives,” Lencyk said.

She taught students how to properly pack a wound, and how and when to use a tourniquet. She also gave advice to those present, telling them to look for every day materials to use in the event that they don’t have proper supplies, and to always remain calm.

“If you’re calm then the victim is going to be calm,” Lenyck said.

After the presentation students broke into groups led by Mercy Health representatives to practice packing wounds and using tourniquets correctly.

Karen Mincer and Patricia Reitmann, health teachers at Boardman High School, said that the program worked well as an addition to their current health classes.

“It’s always good to have an outsider come in, the kids are more engaged and they have all the equipment,” Reitmann said.

Mincer said that as part of the curriculum students are taught CPR, how to use an AED, and what to do if someone is choking or having a heart attack.

“I think we have the best health education classes in the state,” Reitmann said, adding that severe bleeding training is a great addition to the course.

Principal Cynthia Fernback said that when Mercy Health came to the school earlier in the year to do the training for teachers, it was a great success.

“We are always looking to partner with the community,” Fernback said. “We liked them so much we wanted them to come back again for students.”

Mincer said she expects the class to be repeated next semester for students in health classes then.

The program will also present at a Medical Careers Club meeting at Boardman according to Reitmann, who is the club’s advisor.

“It’s a great program with important information and it’s free,” Fernback said.