Masai giraffe calf dies during birth at Columbus zoo
POWELL, Ohio (AP) — The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium says a giraffe calf has died there during birth.
A zoo release says the 6-year-old Masai giraffe mother, Cami, began to show signs of labor Tuesday afternoon with the calf being born rear hooves first. The release says giraffe calves are typically born front hooves first and those born rear hooves first rarely survive.
National Geographic livestream cameras were turned off while the animal-care team tried to save the mother and calf. The team and a large animal surgeon performed a cesarean section Tuesday night, but couldn’t save the calf.
Zoo officials say Cami’s condition is stable, but her prognosis is guarded.
The release says the calf had serious congenital defects that would have prevented survival even if it was born front hooves first.