Performances offer 'A Holiday Passport to the World'
The Youngstown City School District winter visual and performing arts performances celebrate cultures across the globe.
The Chaney VPA Winter Performance begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, in the Chaney High School Auditorium, 731 S. Hazelwood Ave., and doors open at 5:30 p.m..
East’s VPA winter performance begins at 6 p.m. Dec. 19, in that school’s auditorium, 474 Bennington Ave., and doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Admission is free for both performances.
The YCSD VPA winter performance theme for the 2018-2019 school year is "A Holiday Passport to the World." The thread of the performances will focus on world cultures, the origins of holiday songs and it will touch upon different holiday celebrations that occur in December around the world.
Each school's performance is unique in its presentation, cast and performance pieces. The only similarity is in the set design and in a few selections presented in a collaborative effort by students who attend the 11th and 12th grade VPA intensive courses at Youngstown Rayen Early College High School.
Two school performances will occur for the student body in each building, both in the afternoon, one Friday, Dec. 7, at Chaney and one Dec. 20 at East.
For information regarding the YCSD VPA winter performances, contact Tracy Schuler Vivo, VPA director, at 330-744-8830 or at