Fans cheer Girard team on to Canton
SEE ALSO: Girard celebrates glory, potential
Girard High School football players boarded buses Friday headed to Canton and today’s Division IV state championship game amid cheers from their close-knit town that’s convinced their Indians have what it takes to win.
“Go Girard,” said John Reddinger, a lifelong Girard resident and member of the Class of 1965, sitting in the gymnasium watching the Indians basketball team defeat the Howland Tigers with a last-second shot.
The football team was recognized during half-time of the game and received inspirational pregame talks via video from Pat Meyer, former Girard football player and offensive line coach of the San Diego Chargers, and Bob Krizancic, head coach of Girard’s 1993 State Championship basketball team, which was also recognized at Friday’s event in the gym.
Krizancic said the video shown of the 1993 championship game “gave me chills. It never gets old.”
He said Girard is a tough town with tough young men and a great community. He urged the players to “walk on the field and don’t think you can ever lose.”
Residents at the basketball game echoed Krizancic’s thoughts.
“There is no chance this football team is going to lose because they believe in themselves and each other so much. I don’t care how far they are down, they have what it takes to come back,” said Reddinger, who plans to attend today’s big game at Canton’s Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium.
Another life-long resident, Frank Gugliotta, said getting this far is an amazing feat.
“Not many public schools have accomplished what Girard has. It brings everybody together,” he said.
Gugliotta believes the game will come down to penalties and turnovers. If Girard can clean up those areas of their game, it has a good chance of winning.
“But win or lose, it doesn’t matter. It’s a huge accomplishment, no matter what happens,” he said.
Rick Racick said moving to Girard from California during his senior year changed his life.
“Girard was very family-oriented and accepting and the city welcomed me. It helped me grow and become a better person.”
“We all want the football team to win, but just the experience of playing in the championship game is an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives,” said Racick.
The football team has gained the support of people and schools around the Mahoning Valley, said high school principal William Ryser.
“We told the student body at the close of the school day Friday about all the well-wishes we’ve received from people and other schools throughout the area,” he said.
The team and student body are going to Canton as ambassadors of not only the Girard community but the entire area, he added.
“I could not be more proud of their athletic ability, school spirit and citizenship, and we are excited to take the final leg of this 15-week journey with them to Canton,” the principal said.
“The only thing left to do is say “Go Girard ... Beat Wyoming,” he told the students.
Ryser said that in his 14 years as Girard principal he has never seen a more positive culture, climate and sense of togetherness.
Girard High School also does very will academically. For all that to align like that is amazing, he said.
“Our theme this year is ‘attack greatness,’ ” which Ryser attributed to former boxing great Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, who espoused the attitude when he spoke at the school.
Mancini said to stop making fall-back plans and set goals for greatness, Ryser said.
“We try to do that academically and athletically,” he said. “That has become the fabric of who we are.”