Reunions & Class Notes

Editor’s note: Readers are asked to note the change in the deadline for items for the Reunions & Class Notes column. The new deadline is noon Friday.

Austintown Fitch Class of 1968 will celebrate its 50-year class reunion Friday and Saturday at Hollywood Gaming’s Reception Hall, 655 N. Canfield-Niles Road, Austintown. For information, email

Campbell Memorial High School January and June Classes of 1950 will meet for lunch at noon Sept. 5 at Bedford Trails Golf Course in Coitsville.

Cardinal Mooney High School Class of 1966 will celebrate classmates 70th birthdays at 6 p.m. Friday at the Hioliday Inn, 7410 South Ave., Boardman.

Cardinal Mooney High School Class of 1998 will celebrate its 20-year reunion at 6 p.m. Saturday at Cassesse’s MVR, 410 Walnut St. Youngstown.

Chaney High School Class of 1953 will have its 65th class reunion Sept. 22 at Johnny’s Restaurant.

Chaney High School Class of 1958 will celebrate its 60th class reunion Sept. 22 and 23 at A La Cart Catering, 429 Lisbon St., Canfield. Anyone who has not received an invitation should call Cathy Magda Meyers at 330-770-5691 or email Geri Tomko at

Chaney High School Class of 1968 will celebrate its 50th class reunion from 7 to 11 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Saxon Club. For information or if anyone has not received an invitation, call Mike Mraz at 330-559-3031 or email him at Information also may be found on the Facebook page: CHANEY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1968.

East High School Class of 1953 is planning its 65th reunion, tentatively for Sept. 21. For more information graduates may call Judy at 330-482-0772 or Alice at 330-757-4459.

East High School Class of 1968 will host its 50th reunion from 6 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the Magic Tree Pub & Eatery, 7463 South Ave., Boardman. Cost is $40 and includes, dinner, cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, group pictures and music by DJ Platter. For information, call Sandy Ruggieri Chasko at 330-799-0127.

East High School Class of 1978 will celebrate its 40th class reunion with a meet and greet at 7 p.m. Friday at Hollywood Gaming, 655 N. Canfield-Niles Road, Austintown. A dinner and dance also will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday at Cafe 422, 8586 South Ave., Boardman. Cost is $50 per person for both days. Payment should be made at Paypal at or call 330-727-1697.

Girard High School Class of 1968 will celebrate its 50-year reunion Oct. 13 at St. Mark’s Hall, 3560 Logan Way, Liberty Township. Cost is $25 per person and invitations will be mailed this month. Plans are being made to attend the GHS 2018 Homecoming football game Oct. 12. For information or to give information on missing addresses for graduates, call Ron Hetrick at 330-545-3640, Pat (Coppinger) Shively at 330-366-0006 or email Information is also available on the class Facebook page, Girard High School Class of 1968.

Hubbard High School Class of 1968 will celebrate its 50-year reunion Sept. 6 through 8 at Tiffany’s Banquet Center, 601 Bedford Road SE, Brookfield. Call Shirley at 330-534-0528 or email with any questions. Monthly class luncheons will resume in October.

Liberty Leopard Alumni Association welcomes all graduating class members to its first collective reunion weekend Sept. 28 and 29. All former band members, cheerleaders, homecoming kings and queens and football players are invited to participate in the Homecoming Parade at 5 p.m. Sept. 28 before the game along with tailgating and the pre-game show. Alumni are then invited to meet up for a social after the game at 9 p.m. at the Youngstown Crab Co. on Belmont Ave.

Liberty High School Class of 1969 will celebrate its 50th reunion July 6, 2019, at the Mahoning Country Club. Information for class members is needed. Reply with information to Beth at

Niles McKinley High School Class of 1958 invites members and guests to celebrate its 60-year class reunion for dinner and reminiscing at 7 p.m. Sept .15 at Ciminero’s Banquet Center, 123 Main St., Niles. Cost is $30 per person. A pre-reunion get together will take place at 7 p.m. at Giorgio’s, 1231 Youngstown-Warren Rd. For information and an invitation, contact Nancy at 330-652-3510. Class members meet the last Wednesday of each month at the Stoneyard Grille, Main Street, Niles, at 1 p.m. to socialize. All class members are welcome to attend.

North Lima High School Class of 1968 will celebrate its 50th reunion from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the Holiday Inn, Boardman. Anyone who has not been contacted should call Trudy Glass-Vrabel at 440-915-8056 or Susan Gray-Mochnach at 330-565-7614. Come and reminisce. The event is free to attend.

Poland Class of 1958 will celebrate its 60-year class reunion beginning with a casual meet-and-greet from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday at the Holiday Inn in Boardman. The event will feature appetizers and a cash bar. On Sept. 1, classmates will gather for hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar and social hour from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn followed by a class picture scheduled for 7 and dinner served at 7:15. For information, call Lee Raybuck at 330-719-2131.

The Rayen School Class of 1969 is planning its 50-year reunion to take place Oct. 10 and 11, 2019. Classmates may send contact information to Brenda (Henry) Spencer at or call 330-559-4501. Classmates also are needed for the planning committee.

South High School Class of 1964 is planning its 55th class reunion for Aug. 16-18, 2019. Any classmate who has not already received a “Save the Date” card should contact: with correct contact information.

South High School Class of 1958 will celebrate its 60th reunion at 6 p.m. Sept. 21 and 22 at the Holiday Inn, Boardman. Cocktails and cash bar will be available from 6 to 7 p.m.; class photo at 7; and dinner at 7:30. Cost is $45 for each graduate which includes photo and $30 for spouse or guest. For information, call Jack DeMain at 330-793-5649 or email NJDEMAIN@SBCGLOBAL.NET.

Struthers High School Class of 1959 will meet for lunch at 12:30 p.m. Sept. 12 at Donavito’s, 139 S. Bridge St., Struthers. All classmates and guests are welcome.

Ursuline High School Class of 1950 will have a reunion luncheon to mark its 68th year since graduation. The luncheon will take place at Davidson’s at 1 p.m. Sept. 26. Spouses are welcome. To respond or to assist with phone calls, contact Sally Absalom at 330-799-2952.

Ursuline High School Class of 1963 will celebrate its 55th reunion at 6 p.m. Sept. 15 at Another Round Restaurant, Reserve Run Golf Course, 625 E. Western Reserve Road, Poland. There will be a cash bar, class photo, buffet dinner and reminiscing. For information, call Maureen Gutierrez at 330-647-7077 or Frank Nolasco at 330-770-5646.

Woodrow Wilson Class of 1951 will meet for breakfast at 10 a.m. Sept. 5 at Landmark Restaurant, 7424 Market St., Boardman. Classmates and guests are welcome.

Woodrow Wilson Class of 1961 will meet for breakfast at TJ’s Restaurant, Holiday Inn, Boardman, at 10 a.m. today. All classmates and guests are invited.

Woodrow Wilson Classes of 1968 and 1969 will celebrate their 50-year reunions during Labor Day weekend. There will be a meet-and-greet at the Magic Tree in Boardman at 7 p.m. Friday and a breakfast at the Holiday Inn Boardman from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Saturday with the reunion banquet to follow that evening from 6 to 10 p.m. For information, contact Beth Anderson Egan at or check out the Facebook page, Woodrow Wilson High School ’68 & ’69.

Upcoming reunions and class events are published Tuesdays. Please submit information about class and family gatherings to the Society Department by noon Friday.

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