Summary of recent criminal activity in Girard, Liberty and Hubbard

A summary of recent criminal activity in Girard, Liberty and Hubbard:
Aug. 12
Theft: A woman noticed a 50-inch TV had been removed from an entertainment stand in her South Elruth Court residence.
Menacing: A North Avenue man told police a caller had threatened to push the accuser off his bicycle.
Aug. 13
Aggravated menacing: A woman and her boyfriend reported hearing secondhand that two people were planning to come from West Virginia to shoot up their Hazel Street home.
Arrest: Mark T. Cujas, 38, was taken into custody at his West Liberty Street home on a Girard warrant. The Girard man also was charged with resisting arrest when, authorities alleged, he had climbed out a window and was on the roof, which brought the Girard Fire Department to assist.
Damage: Police received a report that a large tree had fallen on and damaged a Pontiac Grand Am in the 700 block of North Avenue. No one was injured, however.
Aug. 14
Damage: Officers received information that a bicycle had struck a sport utility vehicle in the 300 block of Iowa Avenue, shattering a window.
Theft: A woman discovered an Xbox console and related items missing from her East Kline Street residence.
Unauthorized use of a vehicle: An East Prospect Street woman alleged her former roommate borrowed her 2002 SUV but failed to return it by an agreed-upon time.
Arrest: A traffic stop in the 300 block of South State Street resulted in Brian A. Guy’s arrest. Guy, 37, of West Second Street, Girard, was wanted on a Niles warrant.
Aug. 10
Unauthorized use of a vehicle: A Youngstown man alleged a West Montrose Street woman, 49, borrowed but never returned his 2003 Chevrolet, though he declined to file charges.
Arrests: After pulling them over near Roosevelt Drive, officers arrested Evonne McKinnon, 25, of Fairgreen Avenue, Youngstown, on a charge of driving under an operating a vehicle impaired suspension. Also taken into custody were Taylor R. Bracy, 25, of Crandall Avenue, Youngstown, and Kenquela L. Antisar, 27, of Columbus, both of whom were wanted on warrants.
Aug. 11
Citation: Police responded to a complaint that someone was trying to enter a Lucretia Drive residence, where they wrote a minor-misdemeanor citation charging Kurtis W. Hord, 35, of Louisville, Ky., with disorderly conduct. Hord initially had permission to be at the home, but refused to leave shortly after midnight after an argument with the homeowner, then caused a commotion, a report stated.
Citation: Authorities reported seeing someone standing near Belmont Avenue and an Interstate 80 on-ramp asking drivers for money before issuing a minor-misdemeanor citation charging Donald P. Salus, 49, of Shady Road, Youngstown, with disorderly conduct.
Aug. 12
Drugs: While answering a call about possibly stolen property at a Belmont Avenue pizzeria, officers at a nearby motel charged Brittany Scott, 22, of Ridgelawn Avenue, Youngstown, with drug abuse after alleging a bag of suspected marijuana was on her person. Scott also was wanted on a Girard warrant.
Forgery: Police received information that someone had passed a forged prescription for 30 over-the-counter pills at the Giant Eagle Pharmacy, 4700 Belmont Ave.
Aug. 13
Recovered property: A 15-speed bicycle was found near a rear door to a Belmont Avenue bank.
Theft: A Virginia Trail woman said several prescription medications were missing from her residence.
Aug. 14
Criminal damaging: A maintenance worker with Quality Inn, 4055 Belmont Ave., reported someone had damaged a 2,880-square-inch plate-glass window, likely with golf balls.
Theft: A Youngstown man told police a 9 mm handgun had been removed from his room at a Liberty motel.
Criminal damaging: A manager with Motel 30, 1600 Motor Inn Drive, alleged a Girard man, 45, had damaged a door frame to a room.
Aug. 15
Weapon: Officers assisted a Virginia Trail woman who reported having been a domestic-violence victim before going to her home and reportedly finding a handgun and a bag of bullets on a nightstand. Charges were pending against her husband.
Aug. 9
Attempted burglary: A woman returned to her Taylor Street home and noticed a rear door had sustained damage. Also, police discovered multiple pry marks on a nearby window pane.
Theft: A Rosewood Drive man alleged a 61-year-old former tenant took a 20-foot extension ladder, a floor fan and a 4-foot electric heater from the accuser’s rental property.
Aug. 10
Overdose: Officers responded to a possible drug overdose at a residence in the 500 block of Stewart Avenue, where they reportedly found a Hermitage, Pa., man, 35, in the kitchen who was apparently struggling to breathe before paramedics attempted to resuscitate him with a dose of naloxone to block or reverse the effects of opioids. Several rocks of suspected fentanyl were found in a small piece of aluminum foil in a cigarette pack, a report showed.
Theft: A man reported a loaded .45-caliber handgun missing from his Mock Street apartment.
Aug. 12
Threats: Officers answered a complaint about possible threats at a Stewart Avenue residence, where a Hubbard woman, 48, reportedly had demanded a backyard swimming pool be returned to her. No charges were filed, though.