Friendly Squares to dance at Canfield Fair
The Niles Friendly Squares will be performing square dance demonstrations at the Canfield Fair on Aug. 30 from 7-8 p.m. and on Sept. 2 from 2-3 p.m. on the stage located in front of the International Building. A new year of weekly square dance lessons will begin on Sept. 11 from 7-9 p.m. The Tuesday evening sessions will run through April 16, 2019. There is a fee of $6 per person per lesson. To sign up for lessons, contact Gene or Frankie Hammond at 330-534-4426 or 330-506-3370.
House flipping bus tour offered on Aug. 18
The public is also invited to the 2018 Mahoning Valley and Akron Joint Venture Rehab Tour, sponsored by MVREIA (Mahoning Valley Real Estate Investors Association) and ACREIA, on Aug. 18 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Rodman Library, located at 215 E. Broadway in Alliance. This is a full day, intensive training on the entire house flipping process. This presentation is geared toward new and experienced flippers. It features multiple speakers and consists of a morning classroom session, lunch and a hands-on afternoon session and rehab bus tour. Registration is required. The cost for registration for REIA members is $59 per person or $99 per couple. The cost for registration for non-REIA members is $69 per person or $109 per couple. Registration must be completed by Aug. 17. Go to for complete details or call MVREIA at 330-623-7342.
Local skate park to be location of music festival
The Skatepark Music Festival will take place on Sept. 21 at 3 p.m. at the Wedgewood Ramps in Youngstown. The cost is $5 at the door and the event will feature such bands as Alteras, Red Nose Panic, Rees Man Dolo & Droege, Wanderer, 13 Lucky, Evidence of Ruin, Whiskey Pilot, Service Monkeys and Gho$tlee. Food will be by Suzie’s and Mission Taco. The event is hosted and produced by Paul Goon.
Blood drive
There will be a blood drive on Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Poland library by the Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross to serve the needs of St. Elizabeth Hospital. For appointments, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
DIY summer pom-pom doorknob garland
Make a yarn pom-pom garland that you can hang from a door to add some color to your d cor at this event at the Poland library on Aug. 20 at 6 p.m. Materials will be provided. Registration is recommended and can be made by calling 330-744-8636 and asking for the Poland library. This event is for tweens, teens and adults.
Trim a tree for August
Decorate an ornament for the Poland library’s all-seasons tree during regular hours throughout August. This event is for all children.
Weekly square dance lessons to begin Sept. 11
The Niles Friendly Squares, a local square dance group dedicated to keeping alive the art form of square dancing, will begin a new year of weekly square dance lessons. The introductory session will be Sept. 11 from 7-9 p.m. Each session builds upon the previous session and will include learning steps along with plenty of review and practice each week. The sessions are designed to cover all the steps in the basic square dance program. Gene Hammond will be the instructor. The Tuesday evening sessions will run through April 16. There is a nominal fee of $6 per lesson. The Friendly Squares also sponsors monthly dances with alternating dances, or tips, for new dancers to practice their skills as well as tips for more experienced dancers. All the lessons and monthly dances take place at the Niles SCOPE Center, located at 14 E. State St. in Niles. To sign up or for additional information, contact Gene or Frankie Hammond at 330-534-4426 or 330-506-3370. The Friendly Squares will also be performing square dance demonstrations at the Canfield Fair on Aug. 30 from 7-8 p.m. and Sept. 2 from 2-3 p.m. on the stage located in front of the International Building.
Bonding with babies and books
This event is for caregivers and their little ones who are 6-23 months. There will be 20 minutes of language enrichment including rhymes, songs and stories, followed by time to play and socialize every Wednesday in August at 10 a.m. at the Poland library.
Make a Christmas tree design
Make a Christmas tree design using huck towling as taught by volunteers of the Embroiderer’s Guild of Youngstown at the Poland library on Aug. 21 at 10 a.m. All supplies are provided. This event is for adults. To reserve a spot, call 330-744-8636 or sign up online via the library’s event calendar.
Historical society plans fundraising bus trip
The Poland Historical Society is planning a fundraiser bus trip to Pittsburgh on Sept. 19. The trip includes a visit at the Heinz Memorial Chapel, the National Rooms in the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh, lunch at the Church Brew Works, tour of the Strip District and Downtown and a two hour cruise on the Explorer riverboat. The cost of the trip is $105 per person includes the bus transportation, admission fees and lunch. The bus will depart from Poland Methodist Church, located at 1940 Boardman-Poland Road in Poland, promptly at 8:30 a.m. and attendees are asked to arrive at the church by 8:15 a.m. The bus will leave Pittsburgh at 5 p.m. and should arrive back in Poland at approximately 6:30 p.m. Questions should be directed to Larry Bartos, 330-757-4223. The deadline to sign-up for the trip is Aug. 11. There will be no refunds after Aug. 11. Make checks payable to the “Poland Historical Society” and mail to The Poland Historical Society, P.O. Box 5052, Poland, Oh 44514, along with the following information: name, address, phone number, email address and check number. Also indicate your choice for lunch: chicken breast, chef’s salad, tilapia or pasta primavera. In addition to your selected entree, you will also be served a pierogi, house ciabbata bread and a beverage (coffee, tea, iced tea or soft drink). Forms for the trip will be available at the society’s tent near Poland Village Town Hall during “Celebrate Poland.” You will also be asked to sign an “Emergency Contact Information” form which includes information of a contact person should an emergency arise.
Camp F.R.I.E.N.D. announced for summer
The Autism Society of Mahoning Valley recently announce that it is bringing back and tripling its summer day camp options for children with special needs and their neurotypical friends. Three weeks of two styles of camp will be offered. Dates include July 30 until Aug. 3 (full camp and integrated camp for ages 3-22) and Aug. 13-17 (integrated camp for ages 6-13). Camp Friend is unique because the student-to-counselor ratio is extremely low and unmatched to address the intense needs of children and teens on the autism spectrum. As a result, every year interested applicants had to be turned away for lack of enough space. The addition of integrated camp will allow ASMV to serve more families by offering more camper spots. Integrated camp will provide the opportunity for higher-functioning individuals to attend a traditional day camp with our counselors there to assist as they have ideal chance to strengthen their social skills. Camp F.R.I.E.N.D.’s full camp will bring back a model of daily activities structured around social skill building themes to provide evidence based instructional opportunities in a fun setting. This, plus traditional summer camp activities like swimming, sports and crafts supported by an autism-qualified staff, provide a supported environment while ensuring an equitable experience. Camp costs $150 per student per week and numerous scholarships are available. Registration forms are available for download at and can be mailed by request to ASMV at 330-333-9607. For more information or media inquiries, call Camp Coordinator Tracy Marciano at 330-333-9609, email or go to
Poland class of 1968 to host reunion
The Poland Seminary High School class of 1968 is having a 50-year reunion on Sept. 15 at the Magic Tree, located on South Avenue in Boardman. For more information, call Jay at 330-953-0953.
Trim a tree for August
Decorate an ornament for the Poland library’s all-seasons tree throughout August. This event is for children of all ages.
GA to meet twice this week
Gamblers Anonymous, a 12-Step fellowship of compulsive gamblers who want to recover from their gambling addictions, will meet twice this week in the Youngstown-Warren area. A GA meeting is offered every Friday at Westminster Church, located at 119 Stadium Drive in Boardman, and another is offered every Sunday at Christ Church Presbyterian, located at 3425 Hopkins Road in Youngstown (in Cornersburg). Both meetings begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. and last about 1-1/2 hours. Those who believe gambling has affected any part of their lives are urged to attend. For more information, call the local Gamblers Anonymous hotline at 330-505-5060.
Overeaters Anonymous to have local meetings
Overeaters Anonymous is offering meetings at several local locations and on a variety of days. On Saturdays at 10 a.m., there will be a meeting at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in the Church Hall, Room 2, located at 4453 Warren-Sharon Road in Vienna, Ohio. This location is handicapped accessible. On Sundays at 7 p.m., there will be a meeting at Shenango Presbyterian Church, located at 3144 Wilmington Road (Route 18) in New Castle, Pa. This location is handicapped accessible. On Mondays, a meeting will take place at 1 p.m. at the Girard Multigenerational Center, located at 443 Trumbull Avenue in Girard. This location is handicapped accessible. On Wednesdays, a meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. at Valley Care - Northside Medical Center in the Medical Education Building, auditorium A, located at 500 Gypsy Lane in Youngstown. This location is handicapped accessible. On Tuesdays at 6 p.m., a meeting will take place at the Oxford House, located at 320 Benton Road in Salem. This location is handicapped accessible. On Thursdays, a meeting will take place at Valley Care - Northside Medical Center in the Medical Education Building, Auditorium A, located at 500 Gypsy Lane in Youngstown. This location is handicapped accessible. At 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays, a meeting will take place at New Life Lutheran Church, located at 1181 Churchill-Hubbard Road in Youngstown. This location is also handicapped accessible. For more information on OA or meetings, go to or call one of the following Help Hotlines: Mahoning or Trumbull Counties - 330-747-2696; Columbiana County - 330-424-7767; Lawrence County - 724-674-3697.
Historical society announces summer schedule
The Poland Historical Society will offer the following schedule of events this summer: on Aug. 21 - business meeting at the Little Red Schoolhouse at 6:30 p.m.