Agenda Wednesday

Agenda Wednesday

Brookfield school board, 7 p.m., school auditorium, 614 Bedford Road.

Brookfield Township trustees, 9 a.m., special meeting, administration building, 6844 Strimbu Drive.

Canfield City Council, 5:30 p.m., city hall, 104 Lisbon St.

Canfield school board, 6 p.m., board room, 100 Wadsworth St.

Crestview school board, 6 p.m., Vision 2020 Levy meeting, high school cafeteria, 44100 Crestview Road, Columbiana.

Lowellville school board, 7 p.m., library/media center, 52 Rocket Place.

Mathews school board, 6 p.m., executive session, immediately followed by 7 p.m. regular meeting, high school cafeteria, 4429 Warren-Sharon Road, Vienna.

McDonald Village Council, 6 p.m., caucus with council meeting to follow, community room, 500 Ohio Ave.

AGENDA runs daily. Items for the column should arrive at The Vindicator Regional Desk at least two days in advance.

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