Campbell releases current offer in negotiations
After weeks of silence about the details of negotiations, Campbell Board of Education released a statement Friday night contending its offer to the teachers union will “significantly enhance the already highly competitive standing” of its teachers in the Mahoning Valley.”
The city’s schools are on the horizon of a strike near the start of the school year after teachers issued an intent-to-strike notice in late June.
“Over the years, Campbell teachers maintain a competitive posture relative to their peers in the Tri-County area,” the release states. “More importantly, the board’s current offer would serve to significantly enhance the already highly competitive standing of Campbell teachers in the Valley.”
In addition to higher-than-average base-salary increases, the board has offered:
An additional “step” to the salary schedule.
Increased supplemental contract pay.
Increased hourly rates for teachers for extra work.
Additional compensation for teaching College Cred Plus (CCP).
Proposed stipends for any and all premium holidays determined by the insurance consortium.
No change to health care coverage or employee contributions.
No additional hours added to the current 71/4-hour workday.
Further, it states that the board is proud of its offer that demonstrates a commitment to teachers.
“There has been information shared which has created confusion and has prompted this communication of important information,” the release states. “The Campbell Education Association [CEA] ... do[es] not have the right to change the facts of their current compensation or the written offers presented during these recent negotiations. ... We have a wonderful teaching staff where [sic] the Board of Education wishes to honor them while still focusing on our kids and community.”
Responding to the statement late Friday, the teachers union said, “[Superintendent Matthew] Bowen fails to mention what other districts received in raises the last three years. For example, Struthers received 2.75 percent, 2.5 percent and 2.25 percent in raises over a three-year contract. ... The CEA appreciates the support of the community and knows that an accurate depiction cannot be shown when the truth is spoken selectively.”