Rinaldi’s Bakery fills pastry void in Girard

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The new bakery on 500 Church Hill Road gives residents what they have been craving – homemade doughnuts and pastries.

Rinaldi’s Bakery opened at the end of July, one of the only businesses in the city to offer freshly baked pastries since IGA closed two years ago.

It is owned by Michael and Lori Placer of Girard, and is run with the help of their family.

“We are an old-fashioned bakery; it's very casual,” Lori Placer said.

The store hours are 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. It’s closed Sunday.

Michael Placer recommends people come between 6 and 9 a.m. to get the best selection.

“The response has been incredible. We didn’t expect it at all,” Michael Placer said.

The bakery sits at the intersection of Church Hill and Highland Avenue.

“The community has been very welcoming and supportive, very patient,” Michael Placer said.

Customers can choose from pastries, cookies, doughnuts and pecan rolls.

On some days, the bakery also sells food such as pepperoni rolls and pizza.

Local police, fire and EMS workers can get a free coffee and doughnut as a token of appreciation from the family.

The idea stemmed from the experience the Placers had working in bakeries right after they graduated high school.

They liked it so much, they attempted to start a bakery when they were younger.

“We thought we would try again,” Michael Placer said.

The couple wants to serve the community, and also hopes to hand down the business to their children someday.

With school restarting in the next few weeks, Lori envisions the bakery as a place for students to hang out after school.

The bakery has generated much buzz on social media.

The Girard Police Department Facebook page posted a picture of a box of their doughnuts the day the bakery opened with the caption, “Naturally, we had to be the first in line. Welcome to Girard, Rinaldi’s Bakery!”

One woman posted in a city community Facebook page, “I can’t believe that I set my alarm for 6 a.m. just to go get a doughnut at the new bakery. ... They are darn good, owners are great too.”