Canfield AARP 3104 will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at the Canfield Presbyterian Church, 140 W. Main St. Blood pressure readings take place before the meeting begins. Shirley Griffin will present “Collectible of all Kinds,” and anyone is welcome to bring their own collectibles. The group will meet Sept. 10 for a covered-dish picnic at the church. Members whose lasts names begin with A to I are to bring salads and members from J though Z are to bring casseroles and a serving piece. Table service will be provided. There will be a mystery trip Aug.14 with a cost of $90. For information and reservations, call Barb at 330-757-0780. Nonmembers and guests are welcome at the meetings and on bus trips. For membership information, call Connie at 330-332-0121.

Freetimers will host its monthly breakfast at 9 a.m. Tuesday at Davidson’s Restaurant in Cornersburg. All Youngstown State University retirees are invited to eat and socialize.

Lowellville Senior Citizens will meet at noon Friday at Lowellville City Hall Conference Room for their annual picnic. Members are asked to note the change in location. A potluck lunch will be provided by members. Call Paula Karic at 330-718-2856 with questions or donations. Comprising the picnic committee are Brenda Perry, president; Paula Kacir; and Marilee Pilkingtos. New members are welcome. Lowellville residency is not a requirement. To report an illness or death, call Norma Higgins, sunshine chairwoman, at 330-953-3090.

PERI, Trumbull County Chapter 56 will host its monthly meeting at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday at DiLucia’s Restaurant, 2610 Elm Road NE, Warren. The speaker will be Steve Toth, Opers Board Retiree Representative. Reservations are required by today. Call Barb at 330-372-2603; Janet at 330-469-6753; or Virginia at 330-898-3625.

SOAR 27-2 and 27-6, Steelworkers Retirees Local Union 1330 and 1331 will meet at 1 p.m. Monday at Smith Corners United Methodist Church. 3000 S. Niles-Canfield Road. Refreshments will be served. New members are welcome. There will be no meeting in September.

Youngstown Baseball Old Timers will meet at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Kramer Field Pavilion on Bears Den Road. Members are requested to attend, and Golf Field Day will be discussed. Call Nick at 757-287-1127 for reservations or confirmations. Guest are welcome.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.

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