Improve fitness

Improve fitness


The Ursuline Health and Wellness Center, 4280 Shields Road, can help improve your physical, mental or spiritual fitness. The Motherhouse pool offers classes for all ages. They also have SilverSneakers by Tivity Health classes for mature adults comprising strengthening, cardio, water and yoga. The center also features spirituality series, individual counseling and spiritual direction. For information, visit or call 330-799-4941.

Guest speaker


The morning service at Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, 1210 Himrod Ave., at 10 a.m. Sunday will be conducted by guest speaker, the Rev. Everett Jennings of New Life Cathedral Church, Oakland Park, Ill. A potluck dinner in the church’s community center will follow the service. For information, call Rosetta Carter at 330-941-0475 or the church at 330-746-7190.

Spiritual Book Club


The Ursuline Center Spiritual Book Club offers an opportunity for spiritual seekers to read, reflect and share in the discussion of spiritual books that explore the writings of the great spiritual thinkers, both contemporary and classic.

This club is for anyone who wants to nurture their spiritual life. Join the group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday at the Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Road.

The first few chapters of “Things Hidden, Scripture as Spirituality” by Richard Rohr will be discussed. There is no cost to attend, but free-will offerings are accepted. For information or to register, contact Eileen W. Novotny at 330-533-3831 of

Kids’ carnival


There will be a free children’s carnival from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at First Presbyterian Church, 890 Church Hill Road. The event will feature fun for all ages including face painting, a bounce-a-round, carnival games, a dunk tank and more. There will be back-to-school supplies for children in kindergarten through sixth grade and other prizes. A DJ will play music. Free refreshments will include hot dogs, beverages, chips and cookies. The event will take place rain or shine. For information, call 330-505-1192.

Unity Centre programs


Unity Centre for Spiritual Living, 1226 Naylor Lloyd Road, will host Path to Wholeness with guest speaker Rev. John Michael Thornton at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The Rev. Mr. Thornton will speak about “Psychic Pollution.” For questions, call the center at 330-539-0122. The center will also host Armand and Angelina for a concert at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 and a native flute shop at 9 a.m. Sept. 22. The men’s breakfast will take place at 9 a.m. next Saturday. Drum circle will take place at 7 p.m. Aug. 17.

Bus trip planned


The parishioners of St. Rita Parish in Solon invite the public on a one-day bus trip to Fremont for a Saints and Sinners Tour on Sept. 13. A local historian will take attendees on a 90-minute tour of the area that includes Grace Lutheran Church, Our Lady of the Pines Retreat Center and St. Ann Catholic Church.

The cost is $80 per person, and the deadline to register is Wednesday. The motor coach will depart from St. Rita Church, 32820 Baldwin Road. For information, contact Cindy Jeric at 330-963-0808 or email at

Villa Maria retreat


Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center, 2067 Evergreen Road, will host a land retreat featuring Frank Romeo and Barbara O’Donnell, HM. This retreat is entitled “Trees” and is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Friday and conclude at 3 p.m. next Saturday. The cost ranges from $45 to $75. To register, visit or call 724-964-8886.

‘Day of Mindfulness’


Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center, 2067 Evergreen Road, will host a special program featuring Maureen Lauer-Gatta and Dena Deluco entitled “A Day of Mindfulness” from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. next Saturday. The cost is $50 and includes lunch and refreshments. To register, visit or call 724-964-8886.

Keynote speaker


Dr. James C. McIntosh, M.D., New York City activist psychiatrist and author, will be keynote speaker for CEMOTAP OHIO at 3 p.m. next Saturday at New Bethel Church, 1507 Hillman St. His topic will be “Donald Trump’s Plans for Black America.” The public is invited.

Jubilee Service


The 100 Plus Foundation will host the 12th annual Jubilee Service at 5 p.m. Aug. 12 at the Heavenly Place Church of God in Christ, 1350 Katherine Ave. The theme is “Generational Blessings.”

Foundation members will honor distinguished women who have been blessed to live long, prosperous and faithful lives. These women have blazed the trail through five or six generations. Honorees are Mother Lethonia Herron, Mother Essie Phillips, Mother Louise Adams, Mother Mary Grace and Dr. Sophia Brooks. For information, contact Brenda Kimble at 330-518-7959.

Pastor anniversary


Beulah Baptist Church, 570 Sherwood Ave., will host Pastor Jeffery Stanford’s third anniversary at the church at 11 a.m. Aug. 12. Rev. Mechelle Barnett from Faith Temple Church of God in Christ will speak. At 3:30 p.m., the Rev. James Bowie from Greater Friendship Church will speak.

Scam presentation


Lord of Life Church, 550 N. Broad St., will host Josh Wells from the Canfield Police Department as he gives a presentation on scams at 11 a.m. Aug. 13. Lunch will be provided by The Woodlands.

This is a free community outreach social program offered to all senior citizens. The program is offered the second Monday of each month. Different games and activities are also offered. For information, call the church at 330-533-3531.

Assumption Celebration


Christ the Good Shepherd St. Lucy Church, 397 Tenney Ave., will host its traditional Assumption Celebration with a 6 p.m. Mass on Aug. 15, followed by the traditional procession through the streets and culminating with a reception at The Palermo Center next to the church. This is a free reception, but reservations are required. To make reservations, call Carmel Gerlick at 330-755-6801, Liana Berardino at 330-755-5438, or Lucy Cioffi at 330-755-3617 before Wednesday.

Picnic on tap


St. David’s Welsh Society of Youngstown will host its annual picnic at 3:30 p.m. Aug. 18 at Stacey Pavilion in Austintown Township Park, 6000 Kirk Road. The picnic is catered and will be served in the air-conditioned pavilion.

The cost is $17 per person and the public is invited to attend. Special musical entertainment will be provided by Allan and Jennifer Jones Mosher. For reservations, mail a check made out to “St. David’s Society” and mail it to Sarah Davis-Gamlin, 3029 Parkman Road NW, Warren, OH, 44485. The reservation deadline is Aug. 14. For further information, email

Picnic and concert


Some area churches are sponsoring a picnic and concert at Woodworth Park, 255 Warren Ave., on Aug. 19. At 5 p.m., there will be free hot dogs, snacks and beverages available. At 6 p.m., the trio “Renewal,” featuring Donnie Abraham, will sing. Bring a lawn chair. In case of rain, things will take place at The Gate church, 11836 South Ave., in North Lima. For additional information, call 330-549-9552 or 330-318-0408.

Anniversary banquet


St. John A.M.E. Church of Youngstown invites the public to celebrate its 100th anniversary at a banquet beginning at 4 p.m. Aug. 19 at St. Mark Orthodox Church Hall, 3560 Logan Way. The guest speaker will be Elder P. Robert Tate. Tickets are $30 each.

Mount Carmel hosts conference


Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica, 343 Via Mount Carmel, will host the “Divine Will” National Conference featuring Father Elijah John Joseph of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Aug. 25.

The cost of the conference is $30 and includes four talks, a lunch, light breakfast and snacks. Registration is from 8 to 8:30 a.m. and ending prayers will be at 4 p.m. Confession will be offered before the Mass at noon. For reservations, call Helen Mager at 330-533-6449 or Maurine Fogarty at 330-717-3659.

Choir concert


St. Columba Cathedral, 159 W. Rayen Ave., will host a concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 25 featuring Les Moineaux, from Paris. Les Moineaux choir members range in ages from 10 to 18 years old and is conducted by Francois Olivier, who is also the Titular of the Choir Organ at the prestigious church St. Eustache in the French capital city. A free-will offering will be taken during the concert. For information, contact Dr. Daniel Laginya at

Vacation Bible schools

BOARDMAN: Boardman United Methodist Church, 6809 Market St., will host vacation Bible school from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Aug. 16-17. The theme is “GEARS.” For information or to volunteer, call the church office at 330-758-4527.

AUSTINTOWN: Austintown Baptist Church, 1180 S. Raccoon Road, will host vacation Bible school from 5 to 8 p.m. nightly Sunday through Friday. Second Peter 1:3 is the scriptural basis of this year’s theme, “Game On.” Admission is free, and all children between the ages of 5 and 12 are invited to attend. Pre-registration is available online at

youngstown: Christ Centered Church, 3300 Hudson Ave., will host vacation Bible school from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The program features fellowship, games, friends, fun and is open to children ages 5 and up. Dinner will be served. To register or for additional information, call 330-788-7530.

The Religion digest runs every Saturday. Send items for the digest by email to, by mail to the Religion Desk at The Vindicator, P.O. Box 780, Youngstown, OH 44501-0780, or by fax to 330-747-6712. Deadline to submit information is Tuesday at 5 p.m.

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