Girard City Council overturns medical marijuana veto

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By Graig Graziosi


City council voted unanimously Monday night to overturn Mayor James Melfi’s veto on a medical marijuana ordinance.

The original ordinance, passed during the council’s Sept. 11 meeting, established a set of standards and regulations for businesses related to medical marijuana wishing to operate within the city.

The regulations include significant license renewal fees – $5,000 every two years – and licensing processes for medical marijuana-related businesses.

Melfi vetoed the original ordinance – which also passed unanimously – because he did not want to get the government involved in regulating medical marijuana.

“I just don’t think it’s something we should be looking into as a government or really as a society,” Melfi said.

As Melfi’s veto has been overturned, the ordinance will pass into law.

Melfi said if the council passed the ordinance, he would move on from the issue and continue to work alongside the city council to govern the city.

Also at Tuesday’s meeting, 3rd Ward councilman Keith Schubert resigned.

Schubert recently purchased a new home outside of the 3rd Ward, so he cannot continue to serve as the ward’s councilman.

He said he plans on running for council again in the future, though he did not specify when. He served for 21 months on the city council.