Regional Chamber explores relocation to Niles

By Justin Wier


The president of the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber said a move to the Eastwood Mall Complex in Niles is among many options under consideration for when the organization’s lease expires in June 2018.

“We’re looking at options,” said Tom Humphries, the chamber’s president and CEO. “It’s no big deal.”

The organization’s offices now are in the First National Bank Building at 11 Central Square. The chamber has to notify its landlord of a potential move by the end of December.

The chamber will consider other options as well, Humphries said.

“It’s not unusual,” he said. “When you have a lease due, you look at what your options are.”

Michael Conway, executive director of the Mahoning Valley Economic Development Corp., said Humphries discussed the concept with his board in May.

Youngs-town Mayor John A. McNally doesn’t want the chamber to leave downtown Youngstown.

“It’s been their home forever,” McNally said. “It’s quite frankly the hub of this area.”

The chamber has a good relationship with the city and businesses downtown, McNally said. But he acknowledged the decision probably would come down to money.

Mahoning County Commissioner Anthony Traficanti said he would like to meet with chamber officials to discuss a potential move.

“I would love to see the chamber retain its presence in Youngstown as it always has,” he said. “It’s important to me personally, and I think it’s important to our community.”

The chamber is an anchor in Youngstown, Traficanti said.

The Youngstown Chamber of Commerce joined with chambers in Warren and Niles in 1993 to form the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber of Commerce. The organization has always been presence in the city.

Before arriving at its current location in the First National Bank Building, the chamber had offices in the Stambaugh and Wick buildings, Humphries said. The chamber has been in the bank building since 2003.

“It really isn’t unusual to be looking at options that are on the table,” he said.

Traficanti suggested that the county may be able to offer the chamber space in the Oak Hill Renaissance Center.

Joe Bell, a spokesman for the Cafaro Co., which owns the Eastwood Mall complex, said there would be room for the chamber.

“We would welcome a fine organization like the chamber, should they decide they want to locate here,” Bell said.