Lariccia has left a lasting imprint on YSU’s campus

Lariccia has left a lasting imprint on YSU’s campus

Tony Lariccia was a giant; though short in stature, he made an enormous impact on this community and especially his alma mater, Youngstown State University. Walk around campus and you will see the results of his generosity from the statues of Howard Jones and Dom Rosselli to the Williamson College of Business building.

But more than that, he was a cheerleader for many causes and an eternal optimist. In the depths of the stock-market bust in 2008, he boldly predicted that the Dow Jones stock index soon would be over 13,000, and he was right! Tony did not flaunt his wealth--often saying...”some people have the flash and some people have the cash”. Tony and wife, Mary, were a great team doing good with their philanthropy.

May he rest in peace.

David C. Sweet, Charlotte, N.C.

Dr. David Sweet is president emeritus of Youngstown State University.

Tony and Harry were cut from same humble cloth

As we laid anthony Lariccia and Harry Meshel to rest, so too did we lay to rest the term “public service” in this area.

Harry not only taught his student Tony academics, they shared similarities. Coming from humble beginnings, having obstacles placed in their way, and striving and achieving in spite of it. But, that fight in them never manifested, like so many others, into hard heartedness or self-absorption. To the contrary, there were no airs surrounding either.

In his “public service” Harry was always up front, whether you liked it or not, and no other individual can or probably will ever touch what he did and brought back to our community. It was always done because he saw a need and loved his home.

In his “public service”, Tony Lariccia did the consumate act of love. He repeatedly opened his heart, that one of a kind heart, to his community. Never because he had the means to, but because his means allowed him to touch the needs of both individuals and community.

To Harry’s family: What a beautiful legacy left. THANK YOU.

To Tony’s Mary and daughters: As much as he loved community, I know you were the real loves of his life. For sharing him with us, THANK YOU.

Although I have been left with a hole in my heart, this community has been left with a gaping and deep abyss that will never again be filled.

To those who referred to them as their have yet to prove that you passed their lesson plan.

Maggy Lorenzi, Youngstown

Anti-drug lessons need to be taught in our schools

I now visualize only one outcome for America, total collapse of a great nation. I am speaking of the drug epidemic we now face all over the U.S. What will it take to wake up our leaders in this nation? It is at everyone’s front door beginning to smash it down. I spoke to a drug counselor and asked if they go to schools to lecture on drugs at the school auditorium. He said he asked the principal, and they would not let him. We can plainly see it everyday in the newspapers, on television, on the internet as well as witness it in person. Listen – it must be embedded in the mind of the child from adolescent to adult, “It will destroy you! No compromise!” That, my friends, starts in our school system, from kindergarten to 12th grade!

At this time in our country – so much of it has been going on over time – our children now think it is normal behavior in society today to dabble with drugs. People in America fear World War III with other nations, namely North Korea. That is nothing compared to what is forming right this minute in communities all over United States of America. People, we are at war right now. The outcome will be more destructive than any hydrogen bomb! It will leave a ravished society to fall to other nations’ will.

I ask all who care about our children and America’s welfare: Please, write to your leaders of this nation to write and pass a bill that all schools in America, from kindergarten to 12th grade, are required to have an anti-drug class taught to the schoolchildren.

It will make a difference: I promise you that!

Paul R. Lawson, McDonald

Government health care makes US prisoner to debt

We do not need “single-payer health care” as the concept is contrary to the way our country has been built and benefited on the “competitive private sector,” not government-controlled and “prisoner” funded through steadily increasing debt.

Further, how many of those projected to lose Obamacare are currently free loading on the luxury minimum coverage and abusing it because it is free?

I have reached 79 without dental, ear, eye and abortions and sex pills and still have my original teeth and paid as I went and am still not broke. In fact, I am ahead without what amounts to health savings account.

With regard to a health care fix, why can’t nonsupporters specify problems and fixes without their generalized complaints? This fix should not be used to buy votes. If you choose to “serve” us, then doing that buying with increased debt doesn’t get “my vote.”

Daniel Victor Bienko, Canfield