Artichoke hearts fry up crisp, delicious

Chicago Tribune (TNS)


Prep: 30 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Makes: 13 artichokes, serves 4

Finely grated zest of 1 lemon

1 teaspoon kosher salt

2 pounds (about 13) fresh tiny artichokes

Olive oil

1 whole clove garlic, peeled

1 sprig thyme

Season: Rub together zest and salt. Set aside.

Trim: Snap off artichoke leaves (actually, they’re petals), exposing leaves that are pale green at the base, dark green at the point. Use a serrated knife to halve the artichoke, leaving only the pale portion. Use a vegetable peeler to smooth any notches and trim away dark green skin of the stem. Now you’ve got something that looks like a pale green rosebud.

Poach: Pour oil into a sturdy pot to a depth of 11/2 inches. Drop in garlic and thyme. Heat oil to 230 degrees. Lower in as many artichokes as fit in a single layer. Oil should bubble around the artichokes as they poach - not fry. Cook until tender (poke with a skewer just above the stem - it should be easy work), about 10-12 minutes. Use tongs to lift out artichokes and drain, stem-side up, on paper towels. Repeat, if need be, poaching all artichokes. Discard garlic and thyme.

Fry: When artichokes are cool enough to handle (about 10 minutes), gently pry open the leaves just a bit, showing off the artichoke’s roselike bloom. Heat the same pot of oil to 365 degrees. Fry artichokes until golden brown, about 2 minutes per batch. Drain on paper towels.