Seven strategies to get all-day energy

No one is immune to the occasional bout of low energy and weariness. But timed right, small changes in your routine can give you a lift during the day and improve sleep, says Consumer Reports.

See your doctor if you have other symptoms – such as unexplained weight gain or loss, fever, shortness of breath, morning headaches or difficulty concentrating – or recently started a new medication. Otherwise, Consumer Reports suggests giving these seven strategies a try for a month to see whether your energy levels reboot.


Let the sunshine in. The brain makes melatonin, the hormone that causes sleepiness, when it’s dark. Morning light helps stop the production of melatonin, says Shelby F. Harris, Psy.D., director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Upon awakening, open the curtains or shades, sit by a window while you eat breakfast or take a morning walk. Continue to expose yourself to light during the day to keep your body’s sleep-wake cycle synchronized.

Take a drink break. Even mild dehydration can zap energy, memory and attention, according to a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Older adults can have a tougher time staying hydrated, in part because the mechanism that triggers thirst may become less efficient with age. To compensate, make it a point to drink at regular intervals throughout the day, beginning in the morning. Coffee and tea count (they have only a mild diuretic effect, if any), as do foods with a high water content, such as soup and most fruits and vegetables.


Get moving. It seems counterintuitive, but physical activity is a powerful antidote for fatigue. And it doesn’t have to be strenuous: In a small University of Georgia study, couch potatoes who engaged in a 20-minute, low-intensity aerobic exercise routine three times per week for six weeks reduced their fatigue by 65 percent; those who engaged in moderate-intensity exercise lowered it by 49 percent.

Stop sipping coffee and tea. Thanks to their caffeine, both are great pick-me-ups, but it’s a good idea to limit the stimulant to 400 mg per day (roughly two to four 8-ounce cups of coffee) and taper off by late afternoon. Consumer Reports notes that caffeine can disrupt sleep when it’s consumed even six hours before bedtime.


Power down. Dim the lights, switch off the TV and put away smartphones, tablets and computers at least an hour before bedtime. This will trigger your brain to start producing melatonin.

Make over your bedtime habits. To get the seven to nine hours of slumber you need to restore body and mind, improve your sleep hygiene. Keep your bedroom dark, use your bed only for sex and sleep (no pets allowed), and stick with a regular sleep schedule.

Address your stress. Sometimes it’s difficult to separate physical fatigue from the mental drain caused by life’s demands and worries. Harris recommends listening to a meditation or relaxation app before bed.