Both vulnerable, South deals


x8 5

uA 9 3

vA Q 10 8 2

w9 8 4


xK Q 9 6 xA 10 4 3 2

uQ 6 5 4 uK 10 8

v3 vJ 4

wQ J 6 3 w10 7 2


xJ 7

uJ 7 2

vK 9 7 6 5

wA K 5

The bidding:


1v Pass 3v- All pass


Opening lead: King of x

West might have ventured a takeout double over the one-diamond opening, allowing East-West to compete successfully to three spades. The West hand is quite soft and the pass is reasonable at this vulnerability. North-South had eight top tricks available in no trump, but playing in their 10-card fit was normal. There appear to be five sure losers in this contract, but getting them would be quite a challenge for the defense.

West continued with a spade to partner’s ace at trick two, and East shifted to a low club. Declarer won with the ace, drew trumps in two rounds, then cashed the king of clubs and exited with a club. Note the many problems for the defense. It was imperative for West to unblock one of his club honors. Should he win the third club, he would have to break hearts or yield a ruff-sluff. A low heart would be ducked to East’s king, and East would have to yield a ruff-sluff or lead a heart from the 10. It would be easy for South to guess right on the second heart.

Even if West does unblock in clubs allowing East to win the third club, the problems for the defense are not over. A low heart from East would go to the queen and ace, and a heart back toward the jack would get South a ninth trick. East must shift to the 10 of hearts! This would ”surround” dummy’s nine and let the defense get their two heart tricks.

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