Poland Township seeks comments, questions on Dobbins Road sidewalk project

Staff report


The township is moving forward with plans to add a 1/4-mile-long sidewalk on Dobbins Road between the township administration building and Tuscany Drive.

The project is slated to take place next summer, according to a news release. During construction, traffic on Dobbins Road will not be interrupted and all properties in the area will remain accessible.

The construction cost is estimated at $164,000, which will come from a combination of local, state and federal funding sources. In addition to construction of the sidewalk, the project will include installation of new curbs and gutters, curb ramps to meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, new crosswalks and new driveway aprons. Some fire hydrants, catch basins, street signs and lighting poles will be moved.

The public is invited to submit comments or questions about the project to the township by July 11.

Comments and questions should be directed to: Bob Monus, Poland Township zoning inspector, 3339 Dobbins Road, Poland, OH 44514. Additionally, Monus can be reached at 330-757-0733 or polandzoning@zoominternet.net.