Thursday is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Staff report


Social workers from the Mahoning County Jobs and Family Services’ Adult Protective Service Unit will celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Thursday by presenting a purple or white carnation as a token of appreciation to seniors at area day care centers.

The carnations, donated by area florists Bull Circle, Blooming Crazy Florist and Gifts, Sweet Arrangements and Belmont Giant Eagle, are to be given to seniors at Senior Independence Adult Day Care, Easter Seals Adult Day Care, Senior Center Day Care and Park Vista “to show they are appreciated, not forgotten and that someone cares,” said Lenore Larubbio of the Adult Protective Service Unit.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day for Mahoning County, observed annually by the Adult Protective Service Unit on June 15, involves activities to bring greater recognition of mistreatment of older adults wherever they live throughout the world, and to highlight the need for appropriate action.

Experts in the field of elder abuse, law enforcement and other groups, are of the belief that for every case of elder abuse or neglect that is reported, as many as 23 cases go unreported.

The Adult Protective Services Unit said elder abuse affects people of all backrounds, cultures and geographic locations and it is believed that only about one in five incidents are reported.

Read more on the matter in Wednesday's Vindicator or on