Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA J 5 4 uA Q J 7 vA J wK J 6


1v Pass 1x ?

What call would you make?

A. It looks like you’re not going to have as much fun as you hoped with this hand, but you have to do something. Start with double. A good partner will bid hearts.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K Q 9 8 3 u8 4 3 vVoid wA Q 10 8


1x Pass 2v Pass

3w Pass 3NT Pass


What call would you make?

A. The void in partner’s suit worries us. The communication in no trump might be quite poor. We like four spades better.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xVoid u7 5 4 2 vA 7 5 2 w9 8 6 3 2

Partner opens one spade and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?

A. Bid one no trump. Partner might raise no trump, or rebid spades, but if he names another suit instead, you will have improved the contract.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x7 3 uJ 10 8 5 2 vJ 7 wJ 10 9 4

Partner opens two no trump, 20-21, and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?

A. Should you play transfers, bid three diamonds and pass three hearts. Your hand will have some value in hearts. Without transfers, a three heart bid would be forcing. Just pass and hope for the best.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK J 8 5 u10 8 5 v2 wA 10 8 4 3

Partner opens one no trump, 15-17, and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?

A. The singleton diamond is worrisome, but there isn’t anything you can do about it. Start with two clubs, Stayman, and continue with two no trump unless you find a spade fit.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K Q 8 uA J 8 v3 wK J 9 5 4


1w Pass 1v Pass


What call would you make?

A. A singleton in partner’s suit is not usually a good thing, and it warns you to be a little cautious. One spade is enough.

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