Both vulnerable, South deals


xA 6 4

uK 9 7 4

vJ 9 8 4

wJ 3


xJ 10 xQ 8 5

uJ 10 2 uQ 8 5 3

vA Q 6 2 v10 7 5

wK Q 9 6 w10 7 2


xK 9 7 3 2

uA 6

vK 3

wA 8 5 4

The bidding:


1x Dbl Redbl 2u

Pass Pass 2x Pass

3x All pass

Opening lead: Jack of x

Today’s deal was played by a young Italian woman, Francesca Di Lembo, a few years ago. North’s redouble was made on slightly less than the expected 10 high card points. This caused Di Lembo to make a move toward game, getting her to a dangerous contract. Nothing, however, that she couldn’t handle.

West found the best lead of a trump, won in dummy with the ace. Di Lembo led a low club from dummy to her eight and West’s nine. She was doing her best to keep East from gaining the lead to put a diamond through her king. West continued with another trump. Declarer won in hand with the king, cashed the ace of clubs, and ruffed a club with dummy’s last spade.

She now made the key move of playing off the ace and king of hearts and then ruffing a heart in her hand. This eliminated hearts from the West hand, predictable from the auction, and she led her last club. West won with the king, but had only diamonds remaining. He had to give Di Lembo a trick with her king of diamonds. East still had a trump winner, but that was nine tricks for Di Lembo after a beautifully played hand.

Unless you’re playing with Ms. Di Lembo, or a declarer of similar skill, it is best to have full values for your bids. It’s not nice to deceive partner.

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