Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x9 uK Q J 4 vA 10 7 6 5 wK 10 9


1v Pass 1x Pass


What call would you make?

A. Two hearts is out -- that’s a reverse and you are not strong enough. We prefer one no trump. Many experts would open one heart with this hand to avoid this ugly rebid problem.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ 6 5 u9 7 5 vQ J 3 wA K 6 4


Pass Pass 1v Pass


What call would you make?

A. You showed excellent judgment when you did not open the bidding with this hand. Don’t change your mind now and force to game. Two no trump is plenty.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA 8 uA Q J 4 3 v8 2 wK Q J 7

Right-hand opponent opens two spades, weak. What call would you make?

A. This hand is a bit strong for a three-heart bid, but the pre-empt has put you in a tough spot. Double, planning to bid hearts next, is possible, but we would just bid three hearts.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ 2 uQ J 8 5 vA K 9 7 4 wK 3


1v Pass 1x Pass


What call would you make?

A. As in question one, you’re not strong enough to reverse. A one no trump opening would have been better than one diamond. Having opened one diamond, we would rebid two diamonds.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x10 9 8 uA vA J 4 3 wK Q J 9 6

With the opponents passing, you open one club and partner responds one spade. What call would you make?

A. This hand is too strong to bid two spades. We like bidding two diamonds and supporting spades next turn. Partner will be in a good position to place the contract.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA 8 7 4 u2 vK 9 8 7 3 wA 6 2

Right-hand opponent opens two hearts, weak. What call would you make?

A. When considering a takeout double, you should add value to your hand as a supporting hand for the suit partner will choose. This hand is routinely worth a double.

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