East-West vulnerable, East deals


xJ 10 4

uJ 8 7 5 4 3

v9 5 2



x9 5 3 x6 2

u9 uA Q 6

vQ J 8 7 4 vA K 10 6 3

wJ 10 8 6 wA 7 3


xA K Q 8 7

uK 10 2


wK Q 9 5 2

The bidding:


1w- 1x Pass 2x

Dbl 4x All pass

-Strong and artificial, at least 16 points

Opening lead: Nine of u

Today’s deal features a lovely battle between the declarer and the defense. The artificial opening bid kept West out of the auction. He had no idea what a useful hand he held. The auction would have been dramatically different had East opened with one diamond. East won the opening heart lead with the ace. Had he returned a heart, the defense would have prevailed as long as West shifted to a club and not a diamond -- no certainty. South, however, smoothly played his 10 of hearts under the ace at trick one.

South’s clever play meant that East could not be certain that the lead was a singleton. East decided to cash a diamond first to see what partner played. South ruffed this with the queen of spades, cashed the ace of spades and led a low spade to the board’s 10. Declarer led dummy’s eight of hearts and ran it when East played low. Had West ruffed, declarer would have had 10 tricks, so he correctly discarded. South countered by leading dummy’s club. East had to duck this or, again, South would have had 10 tricks. Declarer won with the king and led the king of hearts, West again correctly discarded, but when South ruffed a club and led a good heart from the dummy, West had to ruff. South ruffed the diamond shift and led a low club from his hand. The ace of clubs, now singleton, fell ”on air” and South finally had his 10 tricks. A beauty of a hand!

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