Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x10 9 5 3 2 uK J vK Q 4 wA Q 10

As dealer, what call would you make?

A. Even players who ”never” open one no trump with a five-card major should choose that call with this hand. Bid one no trump.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA 8 5 4 u4 vA Q J 7 wK J 10 2


1v Pass 1NT 2u


What call would you make?

A. Bid three clubs. Partner has to have a four-card minor and might have five or six clubs. He will never give a preference back to three diamonds with only three-card support.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA Q uK 10 vK Q J 9 6 wK Q 10 5

As dealer, what call would you make?

A. This hand wants the lead coming up to it, not through it. You can pretty much guarantee that by opening two no trump.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x2 uA Q 8 7 vK J 6 2 w8 6 5 2


2x- Dbl 4x ?

-Weak two-bid

What call would you make?

A. It’s tempting to bid something, but there is no safety without a long suit. Just double, showing values. You should certainly be able to defeat this contract.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K J 9 5 u9 2 vQ J 9 7 w8 2


1w 1x Pass 1NT

2w ?

What call would you make?

A. You really don’t have the values for another bid, but the alternative is to sell out to two clubs. We can’t stand that! Bid two diamonds.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA Q J 7 uJ 4 vA wA Q 9 7 6 3


1w Pass 1NT Pass


What call would you make?

A. A balanced hand would just raise no trump. Bidding two spades, a suit where you can’t possibly have an eight-card fit, shows an unbalanced hand with long clubs. We think that’s more descriptive than jumping to three clubs.

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