Kindergarten parents meeting to be Feb. 15

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The Canfield Local School District will be hosting an informational meeting for parents or guardians of all incoming kindergarten students on Feb. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at C.H. Campbell Elementary School. The session will include information about transportation, school procedures, kindergarten readiness, age requirements and becoming involved in your child’s school.

Kindergarten registration for the 2016/2017 school year for students residing in the Canfield Local School District will take place at C.H. Campbell on March 7 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and at Hilltop on April 4 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. New students in grades 1-4 are welcome to register at this time as well. Students who are currently attending kindergarten at Canfield do not need to re-register for first grade.

General regulations for these students are as follows: The child must be a resident of the Canfield Local School District, children entering kindergarten must have attained the age of five on or before August 1, children entering first grade must have attained the age of six on or before August 1, 2017, and must have completed a successful year in kindergarten, the child’s original birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration, the child’s original social security card must be presented at the time of registration, proof of residence must be presented at the time of registration, i.e. driver’s license and one of the following: purchase agreement for home, rental agreement for apartment, or gas or electric bill with residential address, divorce decree and/or proof of custody (if applicable) must be presented at the time of registration. According to Canfield Local Schools’ Board of Education policy, the immunization records of the students must be presented to register the student for kindergarten. The records must be from a physician’s office or a health clinic.

Required immunizations do not need to be complete by registration, but must be presented. The Canfield Local Schools follow the requirements of Ohio law and the Ohio Department of Health. Pupils to be admitted to an elementary school must have written evidence that they have received the following immunizations before entering school in the fall: Four or more of DTaP or DT, or any combination. If all four doses were given before the fourth birthday, a fifth dose is required. Three or more doses of IPV. The final dose must be administered on or after the 4th birthday regardless of the number of previous doses. Two doses MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. The first dose must be received on or after the first birthday. Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine given at the appropriate intervals. The last dose in the series must not be administered before age 24 weeks. Two doses of varicella vaccine (chicken pox). Dose 1 must be administered on or after the first birthday.

If the child has not been immunized against any of the above mentioned diseases because of a physician’s recommendation, or because of religious objections, the school must have a signed statement to that affect, which must be renewed each school year.