President Trump attacks CEOs who left his jobs council

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is blasting the CEOs who resigned from his manufacturing jobs council in the wake of the violence stemming from a white supremacist rally this past weekend in Charlottesville, Va., that led to the death of one counter-protester.

The president says on Twitter, "For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!"

Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, announced his resignation today, a day after a raft of departures by CEOs heading large U.S. corporations.

The heads of pharmaceutical giant Merck, the sports gear company Under Armour and the tech firm Intel decided to leave the advisory council. Trump initially criticized the violence on many sides, rather than singling out the white supremacists. The president Monday later said he condemned groups tied to racism.

Trump has not said who will join his council as replacements.