Paladin Brewing marks first year anniversary


Special to The Vindicator


As Paladin Brewing owner/operator John Chandler celebrates his craft brewery’s first anniversary, he is pleased and proud of where things stand.

Yet, he understands the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for the brewery at 6520 Mahoning Ave.

Chandler recently struck a deal with R.L. Lipton Distributing, which has locations in Youngstown and Ashtabula.

Lipton will distribute Paladin’s craft beers to bars and restaurants throughout Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties. With about 1,400 accounts in the region, Lipton will help Paladin expand in ways it could not have on its own.

“I expect our distribution deal with R.L. Lipton to double our overall sales volume next year,” Chandler said. “We made some nice inroads in Mahoning County on our own this year, but with the relationships and access Lipton has, we expect a significant bump in volume. This is an immediate expansion of feet on the ground for our brand.”

At the signing of the distribution contract, Paladin beers had been served at 35 Mahoning Valley restaurants and bars, mostly in Mahoning County, and in the brewery’s tasting tavern. Paladin’s beer is still available at these locations.

Chandler had distributors knocking on his door as soon as he announced plans for the brewery. He felt a connection with R.L. Lipton.

“Lipton is close and convenient, and they treat their customers right,” Chandler said. “They have relationships with the restaurants and bars where we want Paladin beers to be served, and service is an important part of their business model. I never want people to be unsatisfied with their Paladin experience. Lipton brings that same mentality to this relationship.”

Paladin recently hosted a gathering of Lipton management and sales representatives to help them get a feel for the brewer, the brewery and the craft brews.

Ed Carissimi, Lipton vice president of sales and general manager, says Lipton’s relationship with Paladin solidifies the company’s Valley roots.

“Paladin is the first true local brewery that R.L. Lipton has represented,” Carissimi said. “We are proud to distribute a Youngstown craft beer. The Paladin brand is well-seeded in this community. We have the opportunity to expand the brand throughout the four counties we serve. We are a strong local company, and we like to partner with other local companies.”

Carissimi, who has been at Lipton for 38 years and has several family ties in the beer-distribution business, said some might not think of Lipton as a craft beer distributor. But, in addition to carrying the ABInBev and Yuengling brands, Lipton distributes several craft brands. Goose Island of Chicago is its top craft seller. Others include North Country Brewing Co. of Slippery Rock, Pa.; Lavery Brewing Co. of Erie, Pa.; Voodoo Brewing of Meadville, Pa.; and the newest addition, Alaskan Brewing Co. of Juneau, to name a few.

Carissimi is optimistic about the possibilities for craft beer in this market. Craft beer volume is about 5 to 10 percent of all beer distributed in Ashtabula and the Valley. In some areas of Ohio, craft beer makes up 20 to 25 percent of beer distributed.

“We expect craft beer volumes to increase in our market for the foreseeable future,” Carissimi said. “We have great growth potential with Paladin and our other craft beers.”

Paladin’s capacity is 2,000 barrels annually. The brewery is operating at about 10 percent capacity. Chandler hopes to be operating at more than 50 percent capacity by the end of 2017. At its current location, Paladin has room to expand to up to 20,000 barrels annually.

Chandler also has a distribution deal in the works for Lawrence and Mercer counties in Pennsylvania through Erme’s Distributing in Hermitage. He is looking to expand into Cleveland or Columbus, or both, once the Pennsylvania deal is finalized.

Longer-term plans include investing in a beer-canning line for the brewery or partnering with a traveling cannery.

In the meantime, Chandler keeps his eye on his favorite task, brewing quality craft beers.

Paladin Porter was launched early in September, and two other new brews are planned before the close of 2016 – a Russian imperial stout and a bourbon porter.

“Things are going well, but there is still a lot of hard work to be done,” Chandler said. “When we hit 50 to 75 percent capacity here at the brewery, then I will be living the dream. My ultimate goal is continued growth and getting great beer to more people.”